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"big day today" bukayo said as he walked into my room.

"yep, i'm kind of nervous, i hope the girls like me" i said.

"they will, you're a lovely girl. and if they don't, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks." he smiled.

"thanks b" i chuckled.

"right let's go" he said and we went and got in the car. i buckled olivia, my 2 year old, in the car and we drove to the arsenal training ground.

"can you keep her until after i sign the contract. i don't want her to come into the room as there will be lots of people and cameras" i asked as i unclipped olivia.

"yeah of course, just ring me or something after your done" he said and picked up olivia.

we walked in and i got taken to a room while bukayo went another way.

i was led into a room with lots of interviewers and photographers.

i signed the contract and had lots of pictures taken. i had a few questions about joining the club and then i finished.

i decided to ring bukayo and find out where he is.

"hi b. where are you and liv?" i asked.
"i'm in the gym but i've left liv with the girls. they seem very fond of her and practically pushed me away. don't worry she'll be fine with them" bukayo said.

i went to the relax room where all the girls and liv are.

leah's pov
i walked in the relax room and heard all the girls fussing about something.

i looked around to see what was going on and then i felt a tiny pair of hands at my legs. i looked down and saw the cutest child at my legs.

"oh hello. who are you" i said while crouching down.

"liv" she said with a huge smile.

"why hello liv, i'm leah. where's your mummy" i asked. i'm slightly confused as to why there is a random child in the room.

"i dunno" she shrugged.

"we have a new player joining. she's waiting with us while she signs her contract" beth explained.

"ahh makes sense" i said.

liv made grabby hands to me so i picked her up.
"fly" she said.

i raised an eyebrow, slightly unsure what she meant. she pointed upwards.

i threw her in the air slightly and caught her again. she giggled loudly.

"again again" she said. i did it again and then stopped.

i put her down and went to the beanbags. liv followed me and held onto my hand. i sat down and put liv on my lap. we put on a show for her to watch. she cuddled into me and ended up dozing off.

suddenly the door opened and i was met with the most beautiful person i'd ever seen.

hayleys pov
i walked in and was crowded by lots of the girls. they were all asking me questions and welcoming me. it was nice to feel liked but quite overwhelming.

"bloody hell girls, let the woman breathe" a voice laughed as i made my way into the room.

"i'm leah" she said while standing up and holding out her hand. she was also holding olivia who was fast asleep.

"hayley" i said shaking her hand.

"how on earth have you managed to get her to sleep? she doesn't sleep without her dummy" i said in shock.

"she seemed quite keen of leah as soon as she came in" beth spoke.

"want me to take her?" i asked.
"no it's fine" leah said. i sat beside her and spoke to some of the girls.

"so hayley, do you have a husband or boyfriend?" katie asked.

"nope, single. i did have a boyfriend, soon as he found i was pregnant, he left. wanted nothing to do with her but we managed just fine without him. boys are pigs" i said.

"olivia is the best thing to ever happen to me and i wouldn't change her for the world." i continued. all the girls were listening intently, absorbing everything i was saying.

"so how do you know bukayo" beth asked.

"he's my brother. well adoptive. i don't really like speaking about it but i'm glad that his family took me in. i don't think i'd be here without them" i said.

after a while, we were allowed home but before we went, jonas informed us that i would be living with leah, beth and viv.

i found bukayo and took my things from his car. i made sure to pack everything i would need as j already knew i would be living with someone, i just didn't know who. the girls helped me put some things in vivs and leah's cars. then we got in and went home.

we went in and olivia started running around exploring. the girls helped me bring the stuff out and to my new room.

beth sat on the bed with liv while i unpacked and put everything away.

once i finished, i flopped down onto the bed and liv laughed.

"something funny livvy loo" i joked. she just giggled loudly.

"we made dinner" leah said, knocking on my door.

"coming" beth called.

"just brace yourself. if leah helped then it might taste a bit shit" beth teased.

"she can't be that bad at cooking" i said.

"trust me" beth rolled her eyes.

we went down and ate some pasta. i made sure to feed liv some too. in all honestly it didn't taste bad.

"lets watch a movie before bed" viv suggested.

we sat on the sofas. beth and viv on one. me, leah and liv on the other.
we watched a disney movie for liv and then went up to bed. the other girls stayed downstairs.

"say night liv" i said.

"goodnight everybody" she said with a yawn.

"night liv" they all said. i smiled at them and then went and took liv to bed.

i got her dressed and in her bed. she fell asleep quite quickly. i made an instagram post about me joining arsenal and then went to sleep myself.

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