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i took leah upstairs and sat on my bed.

"so i'm going to tell you everything. please don't interrupt" i said. leah nodded.

i took a deep breath before starting.

"when i was little, all i ever wanted was to play football. my parents always told me no, that football is only for boys and i should do dance or gymnastics instead. bukayo was my friend in primary school and he always let me join in with the boys at lunch and break when they were playing football. my parents shouted at me for asking for a ball or a kit, pretty much anything football related. as i got older, they got more aggressive. they would hit me. i joined the school football team in year 5. bukayos parents helped me to buy boots. i was so grateful. and i knew that my parents would get rid of them as soon as they saw them so i had to hide them. i was living in constant fear of my parents, not knowing when they would next attack. in year 6 they started beating me. after doing so they would lock me in my room. i managed to hide it well until one day i went to school with a black eye. bukayo squeezed it out of me and was horrified when he heard. he told teachers, and police and social services got involved. i was taken away from my parents and bukayos family got temporary custody of me. they took care of me. they put me into a proper team and i was performing well. after a few years, i was adopted by the saka family. they helped me a lot and i was so thankful for them. bukayo became like my protective brother even though he's younger than me." i said. tears had fallen from my eyes.

"i'm so sorry that you had to go through all that" leah said sadly. she put her hand at my knee and urged me to continue.

"life was going well. i hadn't seen or heard from my parents since i was saved from them. at around the age of 17 i met james at uni. at first he was great. he showered me in affection always took care of me. slowly it seemed he became less loving. he was less interested in the things that i would do. then around 2 years later he started raising his voice at me. he would manipulate me and control me. he barely let me leave the house. i was playing for brighton at the time so i was away from my home and my family. i didn't have my brother to protect me. at home when things didn't go his way, or if i didn't do something the way he wanted, he got angry. he started hitting me. it gave me flashbacks to my parents when i was a kid. it got worse, but he said he was doing it because he loved me. one day he came home drunk. he pinned me to my bed and forced me to have sex with him. i hated every moment of it. he was rough and didn't care what he did to me. i was terrified and couldn't do anything in that moment. after he was finished using my body, he kind of passed out from the alcohol. i gathered my clothes and slept on the sofa. i couldn't sleep as much as i tried. i cried myself to sleep eventually. for the next few weeks, i was completely terrified of him. of what he could do. i tried to do everything to please him. i found out i was pregnant with liv and when i did tell him he flipped. he claimed that she was not his baby and then left. there was no way it couldn't not be his baby. i hadn't had sex with anyone else but him. i had barely even left the house. i told my family what happened and bukayo came straight over. he stayed with me and comforted me. eventually i went back home to stay with the parents who had always been so kind to me. they said everything would be okay and we would get through it together. i never saw or heard from james again. i looked after liv myself with the help of my family. i tried to go on dates but after they found out i had liv, they couldn't get away quick enough. it was like they thought i was used goods and useless now." i said.

"i've never liked a girl before. but you feel different, you feel special. you are absolutely stunning and your so kind and caring. you are respectful and sweet. you are so helpful with liv, you treat her so good and i'm so grateful for that. it warms my heart when i see her with you and i feel like she's become attached. that has also never happened before. i like you leah, i really do. but i don't know if i'm ready for a relationship right now. i have to put liv first. no matter what. she is my number one priority." i said. there was a bit of silence for a few seconds before leah spoke.

"that is a lot. you are so brave. thank you for trusting me with that. i'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that. i understand that you have to put liv first. i would do the same. i love liv, wholeheartedly. i've become attached to her. i really want to be with you. i want everything that comes with you. the whole package." leah said. it made me smile a bit.

"i want to be with you too leah but what if i'm shit. i've never kissed a girl before. i don't know what it feels like." i stuttered.

"well i guess there's only one way to find out" leah joked. i laughed slightly.

she put her hand at my cheek and leaned in. she pressed her lips against mine. she gently nibbled at my bottom lip causing me to moan. she took that moment to slip her tongue into my mouth and explore. our tongues danced against each others as we passionately made out.

"can i take you on a date tomorrow night" leah asked.
"of course" i said.

"wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" leah suggested.

"always" i said.

we climbed under my duvet and snuggled up together while i scrolled through my laptop looking for something to watch. we put on a movie and i got more comfortable.

i rested my head on her chest and she put her hands at my stomach, drawing small patterns. she placed a kiss at my jaw.

leah ended up falling asleep during the film so i turned it off and scrolled through my phone.

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