2. Forgotten Promises

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"Put it down, dads gonna get mad at you." Carl nervously eyed the girl in front of him.

Dakota rolled her eyes at his dramatics, "Calm down, he doesn't have to know."

The boy didn't let up though, eyes constantly shooting between her and the doorway, "Do you really have to do it in my room though?"

That made the redhead throw a smirk at him, "Worse comes to worse, I just blame you because then it's your fault by default. It being your room and all."

"Somethings going to go wrong. And when it does, I'm telling dad it's your fault." Carl warned, "He won't be surprised anyway."

Kota glared at him, "Nobody likes a snitch, Carla."

He scowled at that. It was a name she had started calling him almost as soon as they met once she realized it got under his skin.

Then, Dakota twirled an object she was holding in her hands, the object being the reason for their arguing in the first place.

In a dramatic and completely unnecessary fashion, Carl flinched back violently, "Watch it!" He hissed, "You could've killed me!"

She rolled her eyes, twirling the large ax she held in her hands again, "Relax, I know what I'm doing."

After having fallen asleep early the night before- Dakota practically cried herself to sleep, actually- she had gotten up early the next morning.

So what had she done with her free time? Gone to check out the armory, of course.

In it, she had found a large ax that once upon a time was probably used for an emergency fire kit.

Now though, it was the apple of her eye. As soon as Dakota saw it, she knew she had to have it.

So, obviously, she just took it.

What did she have to do next? Wake Carl up at this ungodly hour and show him her new favorite possession, of course.

Before any more words of refutation could slip past Carl's lips, the sound of footsteps reached the two kids' ears.

Immediately, both of them froze for about a second, fear creeping into their expressions.

Coming to their senses rather quickly, though, and began scrambling around like a scene right out of an old fashioned cartoon.

Dakota shoved the ax under the bed, throwing it in a way that gave the weapon a little bit of airtime that was no doubt dangerous.

She then calmored up to the top bunk as Carl flew across the room and dove under his covers.

Both kids automatically snapped their eyes shut and feigned sleep, as if they had a sleepover- which wasn't uncommon between them.

"Pstt, Carl, Kota." Rick's voice floated into the cell less than a second later. They had perfect timing, "Guys, wake up."

Groggily, the redhead fake groaned, peeling her eyes open and stretching her arms for show, "Rick?" She asked, even making a production out of having her voice sound sleep ridden.

The man was standing in the doorway, smiling softly at the two who looked like they were just two best friends that had woken up from a sleepover. Definitely not two best friends that just hid an ax under their bed.

Carl wisely chose to just open his eyes and not say anything, he wasn't a good liar. Dakota always told him so, complaining that it was really unhelpful whenever they were up to no good.

"Michonnes leaving," The eldest Grimes called in.

A few moments later, the three were walking side by side with the woman, seeing her off.

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