5. Shots Fired

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The disease was spreading, it was getting worse. Of that, Dakota was certain.

Hershel, Sasha, and Glenn were all holed up in the quarantined zone of the prison, the former being the only one of the trio that hadn't fallen ill. He had taken up the role of doctor after their only other functioning one had gotten sick.

Dakota hadn't liked it one bit, but she also knew that there was no one better set for taking care of others. He effectively had taken care of her and those she called family more times than she could count.

A few days had passed since she and the other prison kids had been pushed off to a separate area to be kept 'safe and healthy' and a majority of the adults that Dakota knew and depended on in her life had all left the prison in order to try and find more supplies for the ever-disappearing pile of things they had.

Rick, Michonne, Carol- even Daryl- wasn't around for her to chat their ears off. Sure, she had Carl and the other kids, but she thought it might be for the best that she didn't overly annoy those that she was stuck in a tiny room with. Best to do that to those that weren't going to be with her for who knows how much longer.

Maggie was one of the only people close to her that stayed behind, but the woman was too busy running the place to stop by to visit very often.

And while she was worried for all of those out on runs, she knew that they would all be fine. They had to be.

Dakota was laying on her back in the middle of the hallway outside of the room all of the kids were in. Her legs were propped up against the wall and she was holding her breath, counting to herself to see how long she could last before she had to breathe.

Carl was sitting on the ground on the wall across from her, rolling his eyes and chastising her for doing so, but begrudgingly helped with keeping time.

"Carl? Kota?" An all too familiar voice ricocheted off of the walls until it reached the duo's ears.

They both perked up imminently, the redhead shooting into a sitting position and letting a breath lose.

"Carl? Kota?" Rick called out again, sounding closer this time.

The two in question scrambled to their feet, stumbling their way down the hall until they came face to face with a slightly disheveled looking Rick.

"Rick!" A wide grin split across Dakota's face at the sight of the man.

"You okay?" Carl immediately asked, skipping over the greetings all together.

As the children took steps towards the man, he took strides of his own backwards, being sure to maintain distance between them. Having forgotten about that in her excitement to see him, Dakota pulled herself to a stop, tugging on Carl's arm to make him come to a halt by her side as well.

"I was gonna ask you two that." The man replied, shifting the bag that was slung over his shoulder.

"We're fine." The younger Grimes answered.

Rick leaned his head down a bit, "No one's sick?" He sounded a bit frantic, "You didn't have to do anything?"

"Haven't had to use my gun, dad."

"I haven't had to stop him from making overly stupid decisions, either." Dakota added in for good measure, remembering her last conversation with the man from days ago.

A small smile twitched at the man's lips, but before he let it grow, he asked, "And Judith?"

"Judy's fine. She's with Beth right now." The girl informed him.

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