- Climax start -

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- Kurapika's POV -

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- Kurapika's POV -

H-he's got me locked under him...~ I don't think I can last the entire movie, it's too much, the way he's grasping me, the firmness of his grip... I'm leaking way too much, t-this is too humiliating...~ I c-can't...~

AHHhhhmmmngg~! He's using huff...~ full strokes...~ fuucoh~ god~ this slimy and wet texture is making embarrassing noises, I can feel every, fucking squeeze and movement~ Leorio...~

I really couldn't care less about the movie at this point, but he's gonna be edging me for a whole HOUR..!~ my stomachs already is aching, and my balls are starting to feel numb...~ huff...~

- Leorio's POV -

I can't get enough of him... Damn, is he just making the cutest faces right now! I've never seen him get this lewd before, he's practically begging to release every half minute! I got to keep him in that sweet zone, and once he finishes it's gonna be VIOLENT to say the least, hehehe~

C'mon, you have to have other noises I can get out of you, this moaning, and whimpering, I wanna see more! He's getting really wet, If I were to just... use my palm to rub the tip really quickly, I wonder what would happen~

Shlick~ plap~ squelch~ shlick~ Shlick~ shlick~ shlick~


- 3rd Person POV -

Leorio, started to quickly swipe his palm on Kurapika's tip, rubbing against his glands in a circular motion, this stimulation heated Kurapika's cock up, sending a thrust of erotic signals throughout his penis, making it start to shake, and quiver. Kurapika involuntarily yelps and pushes his back against Leorio as hard as he can, as if his body was trying to get away from this constant sensation of pure lust.

Kurapika's face was in a slight cringe expression, his muscles in sexual shock, he was quivering down to his fingers.

Leorio would repeat these exact movements at once, and take breaks when he felt Kurapikas orgasm come on, nibble, suck his neck, grope his breast, stroke his cock, and then swipe his glands, this repeated movement made Kurapika pumping pre-cum all over his tummy and erect cock. It pooled on the tip, and leaked so much that it ran down the sides of his hips.

The shaking, the overstimulation, just sent Kurapika into a state of pure lust, he couldn't control himself, but Leorio kept him firmly in place. This went on for what felt like ages, until the movie finally had reached its credits. At this point, Kurapika was gasping for air shakily, his neck covered in love-bruises and spit.

His breaths were quick, and shaky, as if he were having an episode of erotic pleasure, his body was essentially pulsing, and twitching, down to his toes, even they were gripping the sheets. It seems as if this entire thing was about to be at its end. He was drooling he couldn't help it, tears were streaming down his face, out of thrill, and overstimulation.

- Kurapika's POV -

"Pleash- please~ a-ahh..~ huff..~ shtop w-weo... rio w-we're.. Done... movie~ AHhhah~! is done... it's done...~ mmngh~ huff..~ it hurt, hurts...~" I, c-can't evwen, think, straight... my, mind is going crazy, ahh~ every, everything feels so good...

- 3rd Person POV -

Kurapika can barely speak, his mind is scattered, too scattered to get a single thought out, in a haze of pure sexual agony, his libido is seemingly drained, but... Leorio wasn't quite done just yet... Leorio was enjoying this too much just to stop it at the movies end, he was going to make him cum, and try to give him the most intense orgasm he's ever had.

When Leorio once more squeezed his tit, he decided to use a little more pressure, to invoke more arousal. However, all of a sudden, he felt a warm liquid start to flow over his hands... Kurapika's chest, red from the squeezing, there was a warm, white liquid, leaking down his chest. It was milk.

Kurapika feels this warmth, and the sudden stop of Leorio's pinching, he looked down right after Leorio, and saw it, immediately his face became blank, his jaw agape, he couldn't believe his eyes, he was lactating..!

Kurapika immediately began covering his face, his mouth still open, it was like a million people were watching him, but it was just Leorio, a singular man, the man he loved so dearly, this intimacy was taken to the next level in their relationship. Kurapika closed his eyes and couldn't utter a word.

- Leorio's POV -

I-is this for real..? K-kurapika..? I knew certain men could produce milk but, I have never seen it in person, this is... incredible..! What should I do? I've never been in this situation before... Y'know, I think I've learned from the past, and this time around, I WON'T stop. You are going to finish on my terms this time around sunshine.

I wonder... I wonder how it would taste...~

 - 3rd Person POV -

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 - 3rd Person POV -

Leorio moves away from under him, and lies on his side, letting Kurapika fall into the couch, his hands still tied, Leorio firmly grasps Kurapika's soft, tired, and tender dick, and bites down on Kurapika's nipple, causing him to whimper in shock. Kurapika's eyes widen and looks down at Leorio who is looking him in the eyes, as he sucks as hard as he can, bursts of milk shooting into his mouth, its thin, but it's too erotic to stop.

Kurapika immediately starts moaning while gritting his teeth, he starts to let out rampant sexually charged wails, almost yelling out, he was starting to increase in noise, Leorio knew he had to finish this quickly, as to avoid suspicion with the neighbors, and to not annoy them.

He was not letting this blonde twink off so easily, that was for sure...

Movie Teasing..! ~ A Leopika smut oneshot.Where stories live. Discover now