Chapter 10 - Fail

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"yeah, it's our only way out" Tom replied Chris frowned and said in a mad voice "I hate you Tom" Chris said "Aw i love you too Chris" Tom replied.

"Now be a good boy and run into that door" Tom smiled.

"well okay.." Chris yelled and bumped into the door "Ow" Chris grunted "oh no" Tom said "No, No, No, NO" Tom yelled out a loud voice came from the corner.

"GRRR", The werewolf has healed "oh nooo" Tom moaned "What's wrong?" Madison replied "He's healed?!" Tom replied "SEEMS LIKE IT HURRY" Chris yelled into his ear.

"OKAY UHM, LETS SEE HERE.." Tom started to panic. "OKAY IDEA!" Tom said "LEMME KNOW QUICK OR WERE FRIED" Chris said.

"OKAY EVERYONE HOLD ONTO THE DOOR" Tom yelled "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY EVERYONE?" Chris yelled "WHAT?" Tom replied "DON'T YOU SEE?" Chris said "JAKE IS DEAD CARLOS IS DEAD AS WELL WE STAND NO CHANCE!" Chris yelled he was in fear he believed that he was going to die.

"No, were strong enough we won't die besides from Madison we aren't harmed" Tom replied.

"But, still look at that monster tell me how one of us won't die?" Chris said "Because... because... we are full of power please trust me!" Tom said. "well fine" Chris said "Okay ready?" Tom replied "Yes" Madison and Chris said.

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