Chapter 13 - SIKE

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"GRRR" the monster yelled Tom and Madison spun around.

"Oh noooo" Madison yelped, Tom, Chris and Madison thought they were gonna be finished off. Till one sound changed that.

BANG BANG the werewolf was shot down. Tom and Madison's eyes grew wide.

As they have seen another dead body in front of them. Probably for the last time in their lives. "Wait...." Madison ran up to Chris Tom and ran with her as well. "How, come you the one who was shot?" Tom said "What? i simply don't understand" Chris replied to Tom.

"i paid you to drink the potion..." Tom said "Oh yeah pay up" Chris replied. "Okay, but before i do did anyone else come with us?" Tom said.

"Yeah, Jacob why?" Chris replied "Oh wow, um i surely didn't see him" Tom said "yeah, he said he couldn't make it" Chris replied. "Did they just-" Madison said "Yeah i think they did" Tom replied before she could finish that sentence.

"Well, i think it's time for Carlos and Jake to be left alone" Tom said "Yes, as much as it hurts it's time to say goodbye as were both parting ways" Madison replied.

"Oi, we have a live one here!" a male yelled out. it was Jake he did a thumbs up to Chris.

Chris pointed to him they both smiled

"Hold up..."  Tom said a ws he was running up to Chris "Wait didn't you drink the potion?" Tom said to Chris "Hm, seems like it but i don't recall turning" Chris replied

"Okay... did anyone else come with us?" Tom questioned him "um, i can't recall but i know that Jacob couldn't make it" Chris replied "Wait, i did hear a loud noise just when i came though the door" Tom said.

"Like wise it could have been Jacob.." Chris replied "Wait.. what?" Tom said

Tom ran out of the truck knowing that Jacob was the one that was shot

It was later on that the beast was actually identified to be Jacob because as soon as cops left the scene a few hours later.

he was found with several gun wounds one to the head and eight to the chest.

Its finally over but....

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