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After waking her daughter and get her ready. Tae was now rushing out with her behind. More like tae was dragging the little girl who wasn't willing to leave her bed and wanted a peaceful sleep.

"Tae-yeon, come on. You will be late, na-jin had already left, you are only one who is late. Come here, I will be late cause of you, yeonieeee." Tae whined as the girl started to doze off while he was putting her bag in the car, the girl was currently leaning on the mansion's door eyes closed almost asleep.

"Hey Taehyung." Just as tae dragged the whiny girl near the car he heard a soft angelic voice greeting him.

"Ahh hey." Tae mumbled out as the morning incident flashed in his mind, not really wanting to embarrass himself more in front of the bunny like human Jungkook he tried to get tae-yeon back who was making her steps back inside.

"Tae-yeon, come one stop struggling." Tae whined just like tae-yeon, Jungkook can't help but chuckle amusingly as he saw the two whining together.

"Ahm... Hey little angel." Jungkook spoke as he walked near tae-yeon, the sleep seems to have flown away from tae-yeon's eyes as soon as she heard jungkook's voice.

"KOKO."she screamed as he jumped on Jungkook who laughed at her excitement hugging the girl, tae stared at her with disbelief.

"Oh my yeonie, looks like you missed me?" Jungkook asked in his child like voice that fluttered tae's heart, while tae-yeon nodded her head vigoursly.

"Well done yeonie, I really thought you were sleepy. But seeing that hyper jump I can assure you are nowhere near sleepy. Now get in the car you are getting late." Tae spoke in a stern tone, tae-yeon pouted as she looked at Jungkook who smiled at her.

"You don't wanna go school?" He asked she nodded her head with a big pout.

"Jungkook don't get trapped in her puppy eyes, she is just being a brat." Tae spoke rolling his eyes, he was no stranger to her own daughters tricks.

"Koko...I don't feel well, yeonie don't wanna go to school." She spoke blinking her glossy eyes. Jungkook sighed as he softly placed her down and kneeled in front of her.

"My pretty little angel, don't trouble mama. You are a good girl right?" Tae-yeon nodded her head Jungkook smiled at her.

"That's right, you are a very good girl. And good girls never misses their school, will tae-yeon miss the school and be a bad girl?" Jungkook asked tickling her tummy making her giggle and then shake her head.

"Great, so now go to your school. Koko promise that he will take you wherever you want and whenever you want." Jungkook spoke hearing this her eyes shined.

"Really koko will take me anywhere?" She asked, Jungkook nodded his head.

"Koko take me to the fish house." She chimmed clapping her hands, Jungkook frowned at her words.

"Fish house?? Oh you mean aquarium." Jungkook spoke as he chuckled when the girl nodded her head.

"Ok I promise I will take you to the aquarium, but before that you have to go to school." Jungkook said she nodded her head. Jungkook glanced at tae who shook his head with a deep sigh.

"Jungkook you don't have to promise something like this." He muttured

"It's fine Taehyung, I will handle it. Now take her to school I am sure she won't whine." Jungkook spoke as he stood up and ruffled her hairs.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much you helped me. I will see you later bye." Tae spoke as he helped tae-yeon to get inside the car as he himself got on the drivers seat. Tae waved at Jungkook along with tae-yeon who was trying to stuck her head out of the window, Jungkook chuckled at the two as tae began to scold her on how she shouldn't do something like this.

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