My first session

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All to soon my mom is yelling at me to wake up. I lift my head up from my desk, its 8:15. Great.

"Come on get ready. We're leaving in thirty minutes." I respond with k.

I get up and go to the bathroom and I'm greeted by my reflection, it disgusts me. I try to not look at it to long. I wash and dry my face. I apply some make up. Foundation to cover the blemishes on my face, winged eyeliner, mascara and some lip gloss. I put on a black My Chemical Romance tank top and a oversized flannel accompanied by black jeans and my combat boots. My mom will totally love my outfit, not.

Well that wasted enough time. I grab my bag, my keys and my phone before leaving my room and going down stairs.

First thing i hear when I reach the bottom step, " Oh my goodness. You're wearing that? You should dress a little more...sophisticated. You need to make a good first impression."

"Its just therapy mom not a big deal for me to get all dressed up."

"But you can get all dressed up for a concert to see a bunch of grown men onstage." She says. Okay that hurt.

I go to the kitchen and grab a water bottle only to be interrupted by my brothers.

"Ha! You have to go to therapy!!" "Ooh you're in trouble."

"You guys are nine and eleven what do you even know about therapy and jaxon I'm not in trouble."

"It seemed like you were when mom told us where you were going." I grab my bottle and leave without another word. Back out in the living room I see the next door neighbor who was willing to babysit while my mom came with me.

"Did we really need a sitter? You could stay home and watch the two heathens while I go alone."

"Nonsense. Jessica here is happy to watch your brothers. I wouldn't miss your first session for the world." My mom say smiling.

Yeah but you could miss all my drama preformances as a kid. I roll my eyes and push past the sitter to get to my car. I get in and start the engine. Closing my eyes for a second and thinking about how I could just drive and never come back. My mom is still talking to the girl when I open my eyes and the slim peice of patience I had vanished. I honk the horn a couple of times to get her attention. She looks like she is apologizing then she hurries down the driveway to my car.

"That was very rude and impolite of you to interrupt me like that." She says angrily buckling up.

"You don't want me to be late do you? Wouldn't want me to make a bad first impression now would you?" I say mocking her. No response.

"That's what I thought." I plug in my phone to the radio and play some Green Day at a volume no doubt irritating to my mother.

When we get to the clinic I start to panic but I try my hardest not to let it show around my mom.

"So how are you feeling?" My mom asks. I just shrug and walk through the front door. I check in at the front deak the warm smile of the women made me feel a little better. I sit down and play on my phone until I here my name called.

"Skylar. Skylar Chastain." Fuck thats me. I get up and follow the lady to a room. I open the door and I'm greeted by a woman that looks to be in her 40's.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Jennings please take a seat." I sit down on a couch opposite of her and place my hands in between my thighs to stop them from shaking.

"So how are you today?" She asks me sitting down with a notepad and pen.

"I'm feeling pretty okay a little tired though." I say in response.

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