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"Don't kill it!" I screamed almost in tears.

Jared, one of the "rebels" in school was torturing me as usual. My severe passion and love for animals overrode all of my emotions. He had a Compression Cell Implant pointed directly towards a kitten's head. His hand twitched as I heard the hiss of air escaping the cell. I tried to grab the kitten from his grasp, but his stature prevented me. He towered over me. His synthetic genetic enhancements were superior to most. Everyday he would brag about them. He stood 7' 9" with the majority of his body being bulky muscles. His clenched hand was killing the kitten alone.

His face grimaced with happiness fed from my fear. The shimmering silvery grey cat hissed and cried for help. The small hole in Jared's hand glowed a bright white. He opened his palm completely, causing air to violently hiss. The fur on the kitten's head pushed away, indicating the force of the pressurized air. The immense pressure worsened, until a mist of red spewed out the opposite side. The air had pierced through his head, ending it's life.

"God dammit!" I bellowed, now enraged.

He dropped the lifeless kitten like it was nothing. The accumulating crowd of students around us howled. The courtyard intensified as the roiled-up crowd began spewing fire from the palms of their hands.

"You are sick." The statement was mostly directed to all of them.

I stared into Jared's eyes with extreme hatred.

"What will you do about it?" He kneeled down to my height, smiling.

So much anger built up in my mind. He's killed so many other animals. He's tortured so many people. I have to do something about it. I forced my eyes shut, trying to calm myself. I started having a panic attack. Through my fogged-up thoughts, I found myself repeated the same words over and over again.

"Don't show them. Don't show them."

I rubbed my temples as my body shook and quivered. I tried my best to avoid the inevitable. I cringed, expecting a smart remark from Jared. I heard nothing, not even the roar of the crowd. I shielded my head, expecting a forceful punch.


I hesitantly opened my eyes, expecting the worst. When they were completely open, the strangest thing was going on. Everything was frozen. Not ice frozen, but still, like time had stopped. Jared, kneeling down on his knees had a smart-ass look on his face. I backed away from him, considering that his face was an inch away, you would too.

I scanned across the courtyard. The shining metallic walls overwhelmed my fragile vision. Everyone else has cameras substituting their retinas now. Me being, at least I think, the last complete human, my body isn't compatible with power implants everyone else has. Quickly, I jumped out of the deep ocean of thought that had consumed me. Looking around, the other students were frozen as well. The flames of their incendiary blast cells spewed from their palms like erupting volcanoes.

"What has this world come to?" I whispered, rolling my eyes.

The lack of sound became more apparent as it suddenly blared into my ears. The sound of the barbaric, blood-thirsty crowd ruptured into earshot.

"Show us what?" Jared's voice taunted me to no end.

I ripped open my eyes to be met with his approaching hand. Before I could dodge his giant hand, it clasped around my thin throat. He lifted me up with ease, and stood up. I, now lifted into the air via my own neck, frantically searched for help. I noticed a small patch of dirt directly under us. My hopes began to rise.

"I have to." I thought worriedly.

"Show us what?" He tightened his grip and spoke through his clenched teeth.

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