Chapter 3 : New Uses

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I clench my metal fist, then jump when a loud siren sounds through the entire facility. My white room began to flash red each time the siren's loudness peaked. I scanned over the room when I heard a female voice. The voice seemed to be coming from all around me. I couldn't figure out the source of it. I stand up from the bed and stare out the glass door in my cell.

"Prisoner threat detected. Evacuate. A team of soldiers have been dispatched in the area with a shoot to kill order. Evacuate." I noticed that the calm female voice was in fact a recorded message, most likely not even from a human.

Loud footsteps echoed through the spacious hallways beyond my door as scientists sprinted out of the area. I pressed against the glass, hoping that my door would have been automatically unlocked, but it wasn't. I shouted out to the passing scientists, to only receive terrified glances from the ones darting past. When the crowd seemed to thin, and my hope of escaping dwindled, I heard a loud thud near the clear door trapping me in my cell.

A scientist in the familiar white lab coat frantically pressed the touch pad beside my door. His fingers pressed heavily against the keypad. His eyes grow wide as sweat rolled down his forehead. He exchanged glances with me once, only making me more anxious to leave. He lets out a sigh of relief and he removes his fingers from the keypad. My entire room glows a solid green. The glass door starts to slide open, when suddenly the man who tried to rescue me looked in the direction he was running from, his breath instantly hitched.

"Oh no." He mumbles out as he starts to back away, his slow movements quickening in pace.

His hands go into the air.

"We-we can work this out." He stuttered, shivering.

He turned around to start running, when a flash of gold crossed my vision. When the flash disappeared, I heard a loud bang from down the hallway. The scientist wasn't the only thing that was killed, my poor door shattered into pieces. The flash of gold passed again, like it was running from something. Once again, footsteps echoed through the halls. But these footsteps, weren't like the others. These ones were heavier, and much louder. They were accompanied by muffled grunts.  The second I saw a piece of black armor, I darted to the wall beside the space where the poor door once was.

A strange purple glow bursted into my room, coming from outside. When the last off the guards ran past, I peeked out of my room. The halls were destroyed. The once clean, neat facility, now covered in rubble. I stepped out, wanting to investigate the area more. Every cell lining the hallways had no doors. Glass shards were scattered across the tile floor. I began stepping through the hallway. Going in the direction of the commotion, I lightly tiptoed, trying to avoid the copious amounts of glass thrown around the floor.

While concentrating on not stepping on glass, I noticed something out of the ordinary. A small price of grey material stood in my path. I bent over and grasped the object, noting it's rough texture. It was in fact a stone.

Why was there a stone here?

Oh, great.

Their powers are manipulation of rocks.

Freaking rocks.

Just wondrous.

When I looked back up, I noticed large stalactites and stalagmites reaching across the empty space of the hallway. The ends of the rocks were considerably sharp, this may not end well for me. The once neat hallway was now a jungle of stone and equipment. As I jumped over the pillars of stone, I came to a bend in the hallway. The sounds of fighting were much more evident. I was obviously getting closer. I peeked around the corner, seeing an entire team of heavily armed soldiers. Their armor was made of materials stronger than titanium, but there is always a soft spot in it. The perfect place to strike. Looking away from the soldiers, the familiar gold girl stood at the end of the crowd.

"Stop!" She screamed, placing her arms at her sides.

The group kept advancing, they obviously weren't going down without a fight. I wish I had a way to use my powers. This girl saved me, I should return the favor.

The second I thought that, I got a strange sensation. I sensed, some sort of life baring material. It seemed to be coming from the room across the hall. The only problem is getting over there. One of them will notice, no matter what. I closed my eyes shut tightly, trying to think of a way this could work.


I opened my eyes back up, something strange was going on. The now familiar sound of fighting was gone. I peeked around the corner again, seeing everyone frozen in place. A large mist of small rocks were headed straight for the girl.

This is my chance.

I can get to the other room.

I darted towards the door. When my hands pressed against the glass, I realized that I needed the passcode. I stared into the keypad, only seeing ones and zeros. The numbers looked as if it was some sort of language, but why would it be on here? Can't it be regular letters? I suddenly shift my attention to the metal arm attached to my body. I clenched the robotic fingers. The second they touched, they locked into place, forming a solid fist.

I stood back, locking my legs in place.  My fist pulled back, then I threw a punch to the door.  I felt something click in my arm as I watched my fist sprung forward, launching itself into the door.  The metal fist flew across the room it just bursted into, smashing into a large glass container.  Dirt spilled out of the glass pillar.


I outstretched my human hand, watching as roots emerged out of the pile of soil.  The roots wrapped around each other, forming a solid pathway to reach up to me.  The second one of them touched my hand, several vines sprung up and attached to my arm. The vines crawled up my forearm, intwining themselves together. The vines hardened, forming a strong brace.

I ripped the "pathway" for the vines out of the soil. The stick suddenly sharpened, forming a blade-like object. Two smaller vines reached on each side of the hilt, forming the cross-guard. In a matter of seconds, I was wielding a strong sword. I held the sword tightly in my robotic hand when suddenly a bright white glow erupted from my metal hand. The flash was so bright I had to shield my eyes. When the light dimmed, I looked back down to my hand.

The strong wooden sword was replaced with a silver blade. It looked brand new, the metal shimmered in the light.

"This might not be half bad."  I muttered, inspecting my blade.

--Author's Note--

Hey guys!  I finally got inspiration to write a new chapter!  Some of you probably gave up on this story.... So, sorry about that.  I hope you get to see this!  So, leave a vote, and theorize in the comments what you think will happen next!  See yah next time!


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