Chapter 1: Chasing Golden Girl

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"Ahh!" I winced in pain.

I opened my eyes, trying to scan my surroundings. It was very dark, with the only light source being the shimmering stars. I heard the clicking of handcuffs. Looking back, I could only think of where my family is going.

I quickly silenced my groans of pain, when I heard an officer speak, "Someone, find the human."

I listened closer, hearing the readying of a weapon. After that, the footsteps of metal boots shook through the house. I gasped, holding in my breath. I burrowed my hands into the ground, clenching the damp dirt. Just then, two large roots reached out of the ground. The roots wrapped around my body, ripping me into the ground. When the dirt resealed, the gunman stepped outside.

"Where are you?" The guard quietly stepped down the stairs.

I could see him through a small hole in the dirt. Loosing my focus on him, I promptly noticed that I couldn't breathe. I grabbed one of the roots near me. Leaves begin to sprout. I could sense oxygen replacing the carbon dioxide in the small enclosure. I gasped for air, not noticing that the guard was really close.

"Huh?" The officer jumped back when he heard me.

I quickly covered my mouth, trying to muffle my frantic, heavy breathing. The armored enemy almost kneeled down on top of me. I tried to hide further away from the surface, until our eyes met.

"There you are!" He smiled, covering the hole with the palm of his hand.

The large, steel-rimmed opening in his palm began to glow. The glow continued to intensify. All I could do was watch my inevitable death grow near. With one sharp screech, the glow released, causing a beam of light to spear through my stomach. My vision blurred as a fatal sigh escaped my lips. My body weakened as I felt drowsy. I heard footsteps, adding distance each time. I reflexively clenched my stomach. My eyes relaxed and closed shut. The grasp I had on my life was about to let go, when a golden glow shined through my eyelids.

I weakly opened my eyes. My vision was met with a golden figure. The figure seemed to take on the form of a human. A hand reached down to me, I used every ounce of my energy to reach back. I reached further and further, but I couldn't grab it's hand. Before I gave up, it's hand reached down even further. The second I grasped it's hand, a jolt of energy shot up my body. The figure pulled me out of the ground. When I got a complete look at the figure, it seemed to have a feminine build. There were no distinct features on "her" body. Her touch felt like cold metal, and her skin was as smooth as chrome. She stared into my eyes, pausing a moment. A hint of confusion surfaced on her blank expression. Then, worry flooded her face.

A distorted voice echoed from her mouth like a broken record, "Wh-What are yo-u do-doing?! I-I he-he-healed you, go!"

Her voice gave me chills, eating away at my core. She ripped her hand away. She quickly turned around. Engaging in full-blown sprinting, she threw herself forward with every step. On her last step, she launched into the air. With a final glance back to me, she dissipated into the air.

"Wha- she healed me?" I looked down to my stomach that I had completely forgot about.

I ran my hand across my torso. The wound had completely sealed up. The only reminder was the gaping hole burnt through my white tank-top. Then, I felt my shoulder. The once aching pain was gone, and my shoulder looked as good as new. As confused as I was, I am extremely lucky. I can't heal myself, only other things. I would have died there.

"What was that?" I groaned, fixing my slouchy posture.

I scanned the area, searching for remnants of the "being". I stood in awe, see beautiful cascades of golden dust. Looking further, I noticed that the golden dust had made a trail. I decided to follow the shimmering pathway. My family is gone, so I have nothing lose.

I followed the trail to the end of my neat, contained yard. Golden light shined through the thick hedge wall bordering my yard. I brushed my hand across the shrubs, causing the brambles and leaves to wilt and decay. A huge breach opened through the wall. I carefully stepped into the hole. Past the wall, was a whole new place. Trees surrounded me, engulfing the ground in a subtle darkness. The air was cool, like a soft breeze. After I took in my surroundings, my eyes darted to the moving golden mist.

I stomped my foot, causing all of the twigs and branches in my way to retract into the ground. I sprinted through the forest, following the cluster of golden flakes. I ran faster and faster to follow it. My efforts seemed ineffective, until the mist came to a halting stop. I slid to a complete stop. I stared as the cluster slowly expanded.

The swarm of gold stretched, forming a humanoid body. The transparent legs of the golden dust paced towards me. The crystallized particles expanded, filling in the gaps between each other. Suddenly, a completely gold woman stood in front of me. She was the same thing that healed me before. Her footsteps grew louder and more forceful as she neared me. She was angry.

"Stop following me!" She half-screamed, rage corrupted her voice.

"What are you?" I questioned, slowly backing away from her.

"Something you'll never understand." She sounded like a burden was weighing her down.

"Stop following me. If you do, I will kill you." She stated.

She turned around, and began walking away. I clenched my fist, feeling power surging through my body. Suddenly, a huge dome of woven vines and roots sprouted from the ground. The dome encased the both of us. She stopped, staring into the wall.

"How could you kill me?" Her breathing stopped as she clenched her fist.

An Earth-shattering scream bellowed through the dome. She quickly turned around, running directly towards me. Before she tackled me, she faded into a mist. The mist surrounded me. It quickly formed into several golden humanoids, one stood in every direction. I realized that they all looked the same. Four of them grabbed my shoulders. I couldn't escape their strong grasp. The two in front of me morphed into one large being. Her fist was the size of my forehead. As the grips of the others tightened, the larger one angrily punched me in the face. A severe pain shot through my body, like one thousand wasp stings.

Everything went black.

--Author's Note--

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