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Second character from the Main 6

Autan Callebres (아오탄 칼래브레스)


-Species: Hyol-ja

-Hyol-ja skill: fire-based magic, but he tells everyone it's his high IQ because he has PTSD from fire

-Affiliation: ESTC Group A-7

-Date of birth: December 13th

-Age: 12~17 (But for this work, we'll just fix his age as 16)

-Favourite food: macarons

-Weapon of choice: dagger

-Characteristics and Appearance-

⭙ has short, messy dark brown hair with bangs that reaches his eyebrows

⭙ his eyes are black and twinkling

⭙ usually has a playful look on his face

⭙ wears a crop-top black jacket with scarlet linings

⭙ confident and playful, sometimes comes across as cocky, but is respectful

⭙ highly reserved and judgmental of others at first encounters, although hides it well

⭙ Character with similar vibes: Scaramouche/Wanderer/Kunikuzushi/Kabukimono/Raiden's son/the sassy lost kid with mommy issues/Arcane lord of wisdom/pls why does this guy have so many names/idk anymore idc from Genshin Impact

Edit: ok... I'm kinda conflicted now after Fontaine came out (this chapter was written around ver3.8 of Genshin Impact or so) but like, Lyney is perfect for this vibe thing I set up. Like, an orphaned French young male magician who has fire powers? Hell yeah. but seriously, Autan's personality matches with Scaramouche's more though so like... idk what to do. Guess I'll consider both? lol, just thought I'd write it down here cause why not


 Autan was a neighbor and close friend of Acid's in their childhood, especially after Acid's father, Professor Heruys, realised Autan's older brother, Artas, had a fascination with the field of research he was an expert at, i.e. potions. So, as Artas and Professor Heruys met more often, so did Autan and Acid.

 A year before the attack which, as mentioned in the last chapter, took Acid's parents away, Artas found a small wolf cub in the forest near their house. Later, he and his family found out the wolf cub was a Yogue (요괴) named Nancy and they adopted her.

 During the same attack, which took Acid's parents, everyone else in the village who couldn't flee was killed and/or burned by the Demon Hunters, who were fire-based magicians. Autan took off with Nancy and hid in the same forest where Nancy was found as he witnessed his father and mother die and get burned. Artas, at the time, was nowhere to be seen.

 Autan and Nancy wandered for a day before they came across a French Muslim Hyol-ja named Professeur Rosaline Derose. For the next few years of his life, she was basically the person who shaped him into who he is today. She didn't force her religion on him, but living with her did influence his way of thinking and living.

 To his dismay, he figured out his hyol-ja skill is manipulating fire, giving him PTSD as that was what killed his parents. Professeur Derose instead told him to tell people his Hyol-ja skill is his high IQ, since there are people who may force him to use his skill against his will. She also manufactured a dagger for him which could carry poison and which he could wield with great accuracy. Since Autan was weaker than most people physically, she helped him develop himself in other aspects; mainly in mental strength and battle IQ. She also helped in calming Autan's trauma and all, as her hyol-ja skill was calming people's minds.

 This continued until her ultimate demise, when Demon Hunters shot her then crumbled her house down, Autan and Nancy returning and searching for her body in the debris later on. Autan and Nancy was then taken in by Rosaline's fiance Kang Seo-ee, who was a director at ESTC.

 Autan's main story arc is driven by the urge to seek revenge and perish those who took away his loved ones.

 However, along the way, he makes friends with his former enemy groups and decides that, like between Hyol-jas, there are good and bad in every type of people.

 He later on becomes a camp director at ESTC and at one point, reunites with Artas. He also marries his childhood best friend, Acid, and they have a son together.

And he becomes the author's favourite character from the main 6 and has all sorts of possible despair rain down on hi- (insert sounds of me dodging airborne daggers)

-Family Members-

-Artas Callebres- older brother, the chemist/potionist obsessed and the only calm and collected one in the family. Nothing to say about him really, except he solely has control over Autan's mental state and can literally change his mood in a second. Oh yeah, and his hyol-ja skill is the same as Professeur Derose's so that's more PTSD for Autan hahaha-

-Nancy Callebres- younger adopted sister, the golden child of the family. She is the last wolf-clan Yogue in South Korea, making her and her family be a target of hunters until she was adopted by the Callebres family.

That was my favourite French bb boy Autan <3 Again, I wanted to write so much more and had to rearrange my thoughts so many times before writing this trimmed down version

Next up is my favourite female character. I just hope after I write all my favourites, I'll have less trouble trimming down character stories ^^;;

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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