Author's Note

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Wow, uh, hi! Before you read this, I think it's only fair you're warned of what you may be getting into. First off, this is actually being written by two people! I (as in the one writing this note) just kind of dump my brain rot onto a page and my partner edits everything and adds life to the story. Chapters may be uploaded before editing is complete and then edited later on, so if you notice changes, that's why! We are both incredibly busy people, so sorry uploading is going to be horrifically slow sometimes.

For some background, both of us (writer and editor) have grown up in interesting religious situations. Extremists surrounded the churches of our youth and pushed their ideals with "it's what God would want", but we are writing this story with hopes it may shed some light onto the reality of "what God would want." 

Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't religious propaganda; if anything, it's religious slander against extremists who go out of their way to make sure other people can't live their own lives. I hope you don't find yourself relating to any of the characters in this story, and if you do, then I am, again, terribly sorry.

The name you see as the "author" actually has no correlation to neither me nor the editors real names. The first name I am sure many of you recognize. If you don't know the myth of Lilith, you should look it up! Rosalind is just a name we both really like.

We'll know this story was a success when the religious extremists start insulting it and dragging in hate comments; we want them to be mad, seething at the mouth even. So if you're one of those extremists: go ham! Enjoy yourself!

I'm not going to create a list of trigger warnings, but I believe that people who have suffered from religious trauma would find this story encouraging as it's a way of saying "we see you, and we understand." We want change, and this story is why.

Thank you so much for deciding to pick this story up.

I'd also like to thank the magnificent artist that we were inspired by. Thanks to you, we were able to create characters we love and find inspiration to write them a story. I hope this story is of your expectations and you find joy in seeing how we interpreted the characters you originally developed. Thank you for letting us use your art for inspiration.

I will go ahead and sign off now to let you begin reading this story that has been coursing through my mind endlessly for months now. I hope you enjoy what could be considered borderline Bible fanfiction.

With Highest Regards to All of You Dear Readers,

The Writer, Lilith

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