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Felix was shaken up by the look that the man gave him... But regardless, he had to keep going... He had to? He felt like he did... odd...

Felix saw that there was a staircase, encased in a teal lighting... curious, he went down there to find someone really menacing...

A man with red hair was crouching on some kind of higher-up place, about to eat an apple. The man was dressed in all black and a lot of leather... he looked very threatening and evil... then the man spotted him, looking at him like he was going to kill Felix...

Felix ran down the stairs, not wanting to mess with the man... when a silver disk-like object went flying right in front of his face, hitting the wall right in front of him... he looked to the left of him to see a lavender-haired man, dressed in a silk robe and holding a golf club, crushing a silver pop can...

The man pointed his golf club at Felix, with a dangerous look in his eye... the man walked over to the disk on the wall, pulling it out of the wall...

Felix was so confused... why were the first 3 men peaceful, while the other 3 very aggressive and evil-looking? Regardless on how passive or dangerous any of them were, they all weren't ordinary...

Felix ran down the room, finding himself in a dark hallway... he tried to turn back, but the way back was gone... the only way out was an elevator... he started walking towards the elevator when he heard a humming...

He turned around to see another man, this one under a metal detector of sorts... the metal detector was emitting a red light, contrasting the hallway's slight blue light...

The lights would start flashing and every time it did, the man and the metal detector would come closer... and closer... and closer...

He would start to run towards the elevator... once arriving at the elevator doors, the man would be right behind him... he quickly ran in the elevator. And as the elevator doors closed, the man would look sad while holding a 'free hugs' sign...

Felix felt safe in the elevator, due to the fact that he was the only one in there... he looked out to the city through the glass wall parallel to the elevator doors... he felt safe, especially flicking his lock open and closed over and over again... until the lights started flashing... the elevator would start going faster until it came to a complete stop, the lights off... then the lights came back on, feeling a warm breath on the left side of his face...

he wasn't alone in this elevator anymore...

Down the rabbit hole - an ODDINARY trailer storyWhere stories live. Discover now