First day

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I woke up feeling rested but nervous about school. Bella was going to be there hopefully she was over whatever happened. I got ready and made breakfast. It was sunny and warm. As I was walking to my car pinpricks of awareness developed. Somebody was watching me. I ignored the sensation knowing I was running late. The high school was easy to find as I pulled in people turned to watch. Suddenly, I was embarrassed by the attention. The trance was broken as Bella pulled her car into the spot next to mine.  The loud truck commanded attention. She looked confident. I on the other hand was very nervous.

 The office was easy to find, and Bella and I had the same schedule except for trig and Spanish. I had art and history. During the first period, a boy with black hair came over. His name was Eric, and he asked us about where we moved from, how we were related, and if we needed a tour guide. He turned his attention to me asking about the car and then more questions about me. The bell rang all too fast Eric was funny. Bella looked uncomfortable though.

I repeated the motion several times until history. As I walked into Mr. Brown's classroom. I could smell it. Another vampire. A honey-blond boy with piercing dark eyes watched me from the corner. The only seat available was next to him.  As I walked up I noticed the bite marks covering his body. 

He spoke first, "I'm Jasper" " I'm Malia" I felt a tug in my head. "Stop trying to read my emotions major" He looked surprised. "What are you?" I shrugged ignoring the penetrating stare he directed my way. I was annoyed. Thankfully class ended shortly.

I was walking to art when I smelled it again. It was hard not to notice her immediately. She was practically bouncing in her seat. The seat next to her was empty so I sat there. She beamed at me the moment I turned towards her. "Hi Malia I'm Alice" "Hi" "I'm so excited to finally meet you, I've been seeing you for weeks" I raised my eyebrow not sure of why the mini vampire was telling me about her vision, that's dangerous information to just give out. She rambled on until the bell rang, inviting me to sit with her family. 

Catching up with Bella was hard. A couple of boys were giving her their undivided attention and she seemed to be enjoying it. Ignoring me to answer their questions. Tyler walked over pulling me into the lunch room away from her. The table had 3 chairs left and as I sat in one I was asked about doordash. "We usually do a group order did you want to get in on it?" I gave Jess my order and sent the money. We were talking about the beach when I saw them.

They were beautiful even the boys. The bags under their eyes hinted at a lack of hunting. It was clear they hunted animals based on the golden eyes they all had. The last was the most devastating of them all. Tall and lean with reddish-brown hair. Bella came and sat down pulling my attention away from the boy. "Who are they?" She asked entranced. " The Cullens they moved from Alaska a few years ago. They're all like together and they live together. They keep to themselves, they don't like others talking to them" She said shaking her head. Angela and I rolled our eyes at the comment knowing she tried to talk to them. They told us their names and grades. 

I looked at Bella to see her staring at him but he was staring at me. She got a weird look on her face and walked over to the table. Thrusting out her hand I watched it unfold as I ate. He looked at her, held his nose, and walked out of the cafeteria shooting me one last glance. How embarrassing. His family followed leaving her in front of the empty table.

Our table erupted in quiet laughter as she walked back over. The bell rang saving Bella from the boy's jokes. "Omg, Bella- I- can't-breath" Tyler's eyes were watering as he struggled to breathe. Even Angela was laughing. Jess had warned us. I sent her a text Are you ok? She looked at her phone rolled her eyes and walked into class. She sat next to Angela and I sat in the front next to the boy they called Edward.

I didn't speak just focusing on the teacher. "I'm Edward" "I'm Malia" She felt another tug in her head. "You won't be able to read my mind stop trying." He didn't look shocked, Alice must've told him. " I wanted to try anyways" He shrugged. We focused on the lab we were given. As I was passing him the Microscope our hands touched. Heat ran through my arms and when we made eye contact I felt the pull. His eyes widened and I felt mine do the same. 

Oh no. He began speaking but the bell rang saving me. I had study hall later with Jess, Angela, Bella, and Mike. I sat with Angela the whole class and she told me she heard Bella talking about me with Lauren. "I didn't want to gossip but I wanted to let you know" "Thank you Ang " We exchanged numbers. The bell rang signifying it was the end of the day. I was walking to my car when I saw the Cullens staring. Edward was walking towards me so I hopped into my car speeding off. I never looked back ignorance is bliss. 

A/N: How are you guys liking it so far? I plan on doing an update once a day. Is there anything you would like to see? A double upload will come today if you guys actually comment, I want to hear from you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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