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Avi: You guys seriously don't know who the Great Mughal's are ???

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Avi: You guys seriously don't know who the Great Mughal's are ???

Aru and Brynee: Nope

Avi: What do you mean ??

Aiden: Oh you think we live in India

Nico: don't you???

Mini: Nah

Avi: When did you leave the country??

Aiden: Right after you left

Avi: oh


We are in the bus on our way to Hyderabad . On our way in the bus there were some kids in the bus who were studying for their exams . Mini was so excited to see how their History book look like I was confused but Aiden cleared it

Avi: do you know anything about Indian culture then ??

Aru: we know a few

Aiden: You know Avi tells good stories

Brynee: you do

Nico: she does tell us many stories about greek mythology , she's basically a grandma

Avi: shutup Nico

Mini: tell us one na

Aru: sure tell one its boring in here

Avi: Okay ummm.... how about I tell u guys the depature of Lord Krishna from Earth

Aiden: sure

Avi: After the Mahabharata war had ended and Yudhishthira was crowned the new and rightful king of Hastinapur, there were celebrations all over. Krishna bade farewell to the Pandavas and returned to Dwarka . He ruled over Dwarka for 36 years . Then suddenly madness seized the residents of Dwarka and they started killing one another . Only women, childern, Balram and Krishna were left alive. Krishna sent the women and children to the city of Hastinapur so that the pandavas will take care of them. After this, Balram and Krishna desolated themselves into dense forests . One day Krishna was sleeping under a tree in the forest . He was wearing yellow color clothes and the soles of his feet were shining very brightly . A hunter mistook them to me eyes of a deer . He aimed and shot a poisonous arrow, which pierced on of Krishna's feet. As soon as the hunter realised what had happened it was too late and went to apologise to the lord . Krishna assured him that this was destiny . Then Vishnu's chariot descended from the sky and Krishna sat in it and went to heaven. This way Krishna departed from Earth....

Nico: OH

Aru: you did make the story seem interesting

Brynee: cause it is

Avi: lets talk about some else can we???

Nico: sure


Hey guys,

This chapter is bigger than my other chapter and in the next one I'm gonna reveal how exactly I imagine Avi looks like... And also a huge thanks for the views and for waiting for an other chapter

Yours truly ,


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