Chapter 5

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


When the waitress approached to take their orders she realized she hadn't even glanced at the menu, she'd been so preoccupied with Draco. But apparently he had found the opportunity to peruse the wine list while they had been talking because, without hesitation, he ordered an outrageously expensive bottle. She tried to drum up some anger that he hadn't bothered to consult her, but wasn't very successful.

"What if I hadn't wanted red?" She challenged his choice, more out of habit than any real indignation.

"That's a delicious vintage and given what you served me last weekend I know you'll like it," he answered without missing a beat.

"You actually know about muggle wine?" She asked incredulously, she'd assumed he was just going by the price.

He smirked at her and drummed his fingertips on the table top; she told herself that it was infuriating and not charming. "My grandmother is French, of course I was taught to appreciate wine, elf and muggle made alike. Never considered the hypocrisy in that until recently," he quipped.

She smiled to herself but didn't comment and they fell into a discussion about their shared French heritage. Hermione's grandmother had also been French and they both grew up speaking the language. Then he asked her for menu recommendations and when the waitress returned, this time they were prepared. It was when she departed again that Draco nudged her with his thigh.

"They've spotted us," he murmured.

And sure enough she looked over to see Courtney and Jennifer rising from their table and making their way over. She wondered if he had been surreptitiously watching them the whole time, he was a Slytherin after all.

"Try the wine," he urged, pushing a glass into her hand.

"Hermione! I thought that was you," she heard Courtney speak just as she was taking a sip.

She immediately realized just how clever Draco had been with his suggestion. She could just imagine what she looked like, the epitome of a lady who lunched, casually sitting there drinking expensive wine in the arms of a gorgeous, doting man who absolutely radiated power and confidence. He'd set her up to begin this exchange on top, and she hadn't even spoken yet. It was an extremely Slytherin power play. She'd never appreciated the snake mentality so much.

"Courtney, I didn't see you there." She lied through her teeth. "Hello. Hello, Jennifer." She nodded coolly to the second woman.

"Will you introduce us to your friend?" Courtney asked as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth while they both eyed Draco appreciatively. However, Hermione noticed that Draco, who still had his arm around her and was rubbing hypnotic patterns on her shoulder with the pad of his thumb, had barely spared the two other women a glace.

"Of course. Courtney Bronson, Jennifer Gregory, this is Draco Malfoy. Draco: Courtney and Jennifer. We went to primary school together." She turned back to the women. "Draco and I attended the same boarding school."

"Ah, somebody else from Hermione's mysterious boarding school."

Hermione didn't think she was imagining the mocking in Courtney's voice. Draco immediately tugged her even closer, so she assumed he heard it too. He chuckled, low and seductive, she gripped his thigh reflexively. Her hand was still on his thigh. How had she forgotten?

"Mysterious? Well, I suppose it would seem that way from the outside looking in," he said condescendingly.

Hermione never thought she'd have the opportunity to feel happy that nobody could out-snob a Malfoy.

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