Chapter 19

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


Hermione, Harry, and Pansy were hanging out in Draco's living room about a week before Christmas; Draco had gone to dinner with his parents and Scorpius had already gone down for the night. Harry and Pansy were bickering again - they were meant to be watching a movie but the pair of them couldn't agree on one - so Hermione just tuned them out. As it turned out some grudges weren't so easily left behind and the two of them despised each other. But both were stubborn, unwilling to give up any time with their best friend in order to avoid having to be in the others presence, and as a result Hermione was often surrounded by two people constantly at each other's throats. It might have been funny if it wasn't so annoying.

Luckily for Hermione, she was caught up in the throes of new love. She and Draco could hardly keep their hands off of each other, and so she had plenty of material to distract her, allowing her to get caught up in a day dream and ignore them. She was hoping Draco would hurry up and get home- unlike her, he would have no issue just kicking the annoying pests that were their best friends out of the house- so they could go to bed early, when somebody called her name.

"Granger!" Pansy suddenly shouted, making her jump. The other witch made an effort to call her by her first name, but when she was irritated- which was most of the time- she often slipped up.


"I've called your name three times. Now, I'm happy that Draco's sexual prowess seems to have improved since we last slept together, but do you think you could stay with us for a few minutes?" She snarked.

Hermione absently wondered if she should have been offended by this reminder that her boyfriend and the witch in front of her had once been intimate, but she just couldn't muster it.

"He was that bad, huh?" Harry snickered.

Pansy glared at him. "He was very sweet and I'll always be glad that he was my first, but teenage boys aren't known for their technique or their stamina, I doubt you were any better."

"Alright, alright," Harry demurred immediately and Hermione assumed it was because he hadn't had any kind of sex life at sixteen, but she wasn't going to provide Pansy with that kind of material on him, so she stayed quiet. "I'd rather not talk about Malfoy having sex at all, but especially with Hermione," he griped.

Which was exactly the wrong thing to say, because it just egged Pansy on, she looked at Hermione. "I'm correct to assume he's improved, right? His, shall we say, natural attributes, were already very impressive, and he's a generous man, I can only imagine he's become a generous lover. Not to mention that you were looking pretty satisfied when I got here this morning. But if I need to have a talk with him, let me know," she said with a smirk, her voice low and conspiratorial.

"No Pansy," she rolled her eyes, "everything is good on that front. You're right, I'm very satisfied."

"La, la, la, la, la," chanted Harry loudly, hands covering his ears.

"Oh grow up," Pansy snapped, and then turned back to Hermione, "now please tell me that Potter has some sort of twisted Gryffindor sense of humor that I'm incapable of understanding, and that he was joking when he said he was taking you to the Ministry Yule Gala?"

"And once again I ask," said Harry loudly, "why would that be a joke?"

"It's not," Hermione confirmed.

"But you're in a relationship with Draco. I thought you said you were serious about him, Granger," she practically growled.

"I am! I would never lie about that."

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