Chapter 26

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


He stumbled out of the floo at their house after her and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck. She hated the floo, but they'd both been too exhausted to apparate, nor did they want to spend the night at the Manor, the revelations of the previous day were too raw. Hermione knew it would be a long time before she was comfortable with either Draco or Scorpius spending much time there.

And then there was the way that Draco was behaving at the moment. The surge of power he'd received after the wards were set to right during the ritual had made him something like drunk and he was very, very handsy. She couldn't get them out of his parents' sight fast enough.

Frankly, she was hardly any better off herself, she felt a clawing need for him that was almost like a living thing in and of itself. But apparently the potential for massive embarrassment had been enough to curtail her urges for at least a few minutes.

They'd been given the all clear to return home after the ritual at the Manor was complete, the Lestranges apparently having gone back underground. Scorpius was with Andromeda, and Effie had taken the puppy to Hogwarts to visit some friends that morning before they'd ever traveled to the Ministry. Draco had requested that she get herself and the dog out of harm's way. Which thankfully meant they were completely alone when they arrived home.

She stumbled as his much larger body leaned against her. "Careful, love, I'm really not big enough to hold you up."

"Sorry," his hands snuck under her jumper and caressed the skin of her belly. "You just drive me crazy, it's like I can't keep my hands off you."

She smirked to herself then turned around and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Oh but I'm supposed to hold you up?" He laughed, but squeezed one of her thighs reassuringly.

"Yes," she insisted, rubbing her core against his erection with a little moan.

He sucked in a sharp breath. "Oh yes," he hissed, "I want you so badly. My family magic is enthralled with you, it's intoxicating."

"So then why are you still talking?"

"Hmm?" His lips vibrated against hers.

"What are you waiting for?" She wriggled against him again. "You're still just standing here. Am I going to have to get down and take care of myself?" She taunted, even as she clung to him.

Because she was lying, of course. It was him that she wanted, that she needed, not just physical gratification. But that got his attention. He practically growled at her, tightened his hold on her, and began to stride through the house to the living room.

He tossed her onto the sofa with a little laugh at the look on her face as he did so, and she narrowed her eyes at his daring. But she scrambled to peel off her own clothes as she watched Draco do the same, mouth practically watering as his body was revealed to her.

Because she ached for him, no matter how annoyed she was with the way he was toying with her at the moment. He was completely naked while Hermione was still scrambling out of her knickers, her magical exhaustion making her clumsy. He helped her pull them down her legs and tossed them aside.

She reached up for him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging at his hair a little violently. He groaned and she eagerly spread her legs to allow him to settle between them.

"You feel it too?" He asked, voice muffled against her lips.

"Yes, need you," she confirmed, pulling him to her with all four limbs wrapped around him. She sighed when he sunk into her.

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