Chapter 8: Poem Sharing and the Iron Spider

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-Location: Clubroom-

-It's poem sharing time and Y/N was sharing with Monika-

Monika: It's good, are you sure, you never made poems?

Y/N: Yeah I'm sure.

-There were an awkward silence as their hands got closer subconsciously-

Y/N: C'mon think of something.

-Before Y/N can think of something to say, Natsuki come in the scene-

Natsuki: Get a room you two.

-Monika leave to go share her poem with Yuri while Y/N share with Natsuki-

Natsuki: Really Y/N, get closer to Monika without her noticing... Even in public. Shame on you. I thought you weren't that impulsive.

Y/N: Shut up. So how was my poem.

Natsuki: Decent as always.

Y/N: And yours were impactful as always.

Natsuki and Y/N: Thanks!

-They both let out a chuckle-


-Everybody was done sharing poems and now Monika is explaining about the festival-

Monika: Y/N, show them the flyers.

-Y/N pulls a flyer towards his hands and show it to the rest of the club.

Natsuki: That's cool and all but that doesn't tell us what we will be doing.

Monika: Oh I thought you heard, we will be performing.

Natsuki: Performing?!

Yuri: P... Um, Monika-

Monika: Yeah! We going to have a poetry performance. Each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event and the cool part is, we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems too!

Natsuki: Are you kidding me, Monika? You didn't... you didn't already start putting those posters up, did you?

Monika: Eh? Well, I did... Do you really think it's that bad of an idea?

Natsuki: No it isn't a bad idea. It just I didn't sign up for this. If I would've wanted more members, I could've join any other stupid club. Right, Yuri?

Yuri: ...

-Yuri didn't know what to say-

Y/N: Girls!?

Monika: No, Y/N! I understand where they're coming from. They've never share poems until a couple days ago. I should've thought about that.

-Monika go towards the front desk-

Y/N: I could've swear I heard Monika crying.

Yuri: Look what you did Natsuki.

Natsuki: What?! I was just saying what I thought.

Yuri: It's not about talking, it's about word choice.

Natsuki: Nn...!

-Natsuki starts crying-

Natsuki: You don't know what my life is like.

-Natsuki starts running out of the classroom-


Yuri: O-Oh no... This is bad. Monika is crying and Natsuki ran out of the classroom.

The bell: *ring* *ring* I'M RINGING MOTHERF*****

Monika: E-Everybody s-see you all t-tomorrow.

Yuri: *sighs* *leaves*

Y/N: Hey, Monika?

Monika: Y-Yeah?!

Y/N: Do you want to walk home with me.

Monika: *Looks at the stack of papers* No, no, it's okay.

Y/N: What about tomorrow?

Monika: Sure~


-Location: Home-

Y/N: Hey, Sayori?

Sayori: *coughs* Yeah.

Y/N: Have Monika tell you what happens in the club?

Sayori: *coughs* Yeah.

Y/N: Alright, I'll go do my homework and poem, sweet dream Sayo.

Sayori: You too.

-door closes-

Jefferson: So how is she.

Y/N: Still worse, but a bit better.


-Location: School rooftop-

-After Y/N finish his homework and poem, he went to the school rooftop in his spider suit-

Y/N: Alright, let's do this.

-Sayori's puppy then started barking-

Y/N: What is it buddy. *looks up* Oh c'mon, this is the 7th clone this month.

-What Y/N didn't know was that it not a clone-

Amadeus: Alright, Agent Venom sent me here because there is another web warrior. Where is he- Found him.

Y/N: Not only this clone is trying to rip of me. It also trying to rip of Iron Man?

Y/N: Oh, another clone. What is this now? Clone Saga?!

Amadeus: No I'm not-

-Y/N venom punch Iron Spider to a wall and web him to the wall and then Sayori's puppy started barking-

Y/N: What is a buddy?

-Y/N then saw a group of robbers put money in a car and drive away-

Y/N: I would love to stay and chat clone but I got a car chase to stop. *Webs towards the car*

Amadeus: *though coms* Guys I think I found the person Angent Venom talked about. And my digital spider sense picked up on who he is.

Miles: *though coms* Who?

Amadeus: A teen in Otonokizaka High.

Miles: Ganke is in that school. Well, we know where we will go next.

-Monika POV-

Monika: Why did I lie to him? I should've walk with him. Why am I thinking about him? Maybe my schoolgirl crush on him is still happening?

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