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"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Mia's father yelled throwing her bags towards the door.

"But da-" she was cut off with a slap from her father.

"I SAID GET OUT!" he screamed one last time before dragging her by the arm and out of the house. He slammed the front door shut, leaving her in tears.

Mia cried while walking away from her so called home. Of course it was hard for her. Getting kicked out at such a young age. No job. No place to sleep. No food.

She was devastated.

You see, her mother died in a car accident when she was 16. At the time they lived in Australia. Mia's father was depressed after that and started drinking. He would come home late at night, rarely work. He made just enough money for the bills and food. They moved to Korea to try and have a better life, but it just wouldn't work. Not long after, her father started abusing her, blaming her for her mother's death.

She would go to school with cuts and bruises but no one ever asked anything. She was the typical quiet nerdy kid who sat in the back of the class and slept for half of the day. Because of that no one wanted to be her friend.

But she was okay with it.

She got used to it.

Even tho Mia sometimes did want to have a friend or two, she still didn't want to talk to anyone unless it was absolutely necessary.

And because of that she didn't have anywhere to go. Her aunts and uncles were in America, so she couldn't ask them for help.

Those thoughts preoccupied her head as she thought about what to do.

She saw an open bar and went inside.

"Excuse me! Do you need any waiters by any chance?" Mia asked a worker who was cleaning the bar. He looked at her and smiled slightly.

"No ma'am, sorry."

"Oh okay, thank you anyways." Mia bowed slightly before going out of the bar. That's when she noticed it was raining.

At this point she didn't care.

She walked in the rain, not caring about possibly getting sick. She walked slowly, while it started raining harder.

Mia eventually got to a park, since there was nowhere else to go. Just as she was about to sit on the bench, she heard thunder while the sky lit up a bright colour, despite it being late in the evening.

Her heart immediately started pounding a hundred beats per minutes. She was scared of thunderstorms. No, not scared, she was terrified.

She fell on the bench and brought her knees to her chest, hugging herself in hopes of calming down. It started raining even harder, if that was even possible at that point.

Mia started to sob.

Her day couldn't get worse.

Getting kicked out.


As she was sobbing while trying to calm herself down. She was so focused on trying to calm down that she didn't even realise the rain stopped pouring on her.

She looked up and saw a man holding an umbrella over her.

A very beautiful man.

"Hello miss, are you okay?"


The girl in the Rain || Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now