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"Hello miss, are you okay?" The man said in a deep voice, which sent shivers down the girls' spine. But she had to admit it was quite attractive..

She slightly nodded while forcing a smile.

"I can tell you aren't.. It's ok if you don't want to tell me. I understand. By the way, what are you doing out here while it's raining so hard?"

She hesitated for a moment before she shook her head, indicating that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"I thought so.." he said barely louder than a whisper. "Oh I didn't introduce myself, god I'm so stupid." She laughed at that while he smiled at her.

"I'm Felix. Lee Felix."

"Mia. Kim Mia."

There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again.

"Hey Felix" she paused for a second hesitating but in the end continued "can I maybe.. stay over at your place for the night? I know we just met and it's complicated and all, but I have nowhere to g-"

"I don't mind"

Mia started at him with wide eyes. "W-Wait, what? Really?" She said with literal sparkles in her eyes.

"Yea, I really don't mind. Plus you seem like a fun person to be around."

"Oh my god, thank you so much Felix!"

"It's nothing really. But there is one problem.." once he said that she looked at him confused until he continued "I have 3 roommates who don't know how to be quiet.. They are all my hyungs but sometimes that act like literal children." She laughed at that.

"They can't be that bad, can they?"

"Oh trust me, they can"

They both laughed and started to head towards Felix's house. By that time it was still raining, just not as hard.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" He asked looking slightly down at her because of their height difference.

"You just did dummy" she joked "but yea what's up?" She was now starting to become curious

"Were you always so afraid of thunderstorms?"

Mia looked at the ground and nodded. "I don't know why.. I'm afraid of thunderstorms ever since I can remember. I'm just scared of loud noises in general."

Felix nodded in understatement while looking forward.

"But why were you even outside while it was raining Felix?" It was now her turn to ask him something.

The blonde haired boy took a deep sigh before lifting up a bag that he was carrying. "My hyung told me to go and buy some snacks because we ran out. Ughh. They always make me go and buy them food." He pouted, making the girl smile.

They were quiet until they reached Felix's house. It wasn't awkward, it was actually quite comforting, despite the fact that they met 15 minutes ago.

"Now prepare yourself for absolute and pure chaos." Mia laughed at Felix's choice of words. They can't be that bad. Right?


As soon as Felix unlocked the door, Mia heard running footsteps coming towards the door and not even a second later, she was met with 6 pairs of eyes staring at her.

Felix groaned pushing them away to make room for Mia to enter.

"Guys this is my friend Mia. Be nice to her. And NO. You can't do her hair *cough* Jisung, Hyunjin *cough*."

"WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?" A tall blonde haired guy and a guy that looks like a squirrel said at the same time. Mia just laughed at their behaviour.

"I mean.. you almost burnt my hair with the curling iron." The short muscular guy said.

"Okay that was ONE TIME" the squirrel looking boy said. While Mia tried to not lose her balance because of laughter.

After a minute or so, she managed to calm down.

"Okay so, you guys introduce yourselves while I get the snacks and juice okay?" Felix said in his deep tone, once again shocking the younger female.

Felix left and they all started to introduce themselves.


Okay I don't like this so far. Beware because this story is VERY VERY VERY cringe  :P

The girl in the Rain || Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now