The bizarre behavior of Leafy

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Golf Ball's P.O.V:

On a cold autumn night I sit within my lab peeking through my telescope as I take notes on a pattern of stars form around the moon, upon enhancing the quality I discover the stars attaining a light red hue. 

Golf Ball: Hmmm...

Suddenly one of my computer screens activates showing me static footage, I stop my studies on the stars to observe this new live footage detected by my hidden cameras. Nothing appears on video but the sound makes it all clear that something unusual is going on in an instant a pair of eyes reflecting light on a shrouded figure peer through the dark facing the camera and immediately gets cut off. Startled by this event I take a brief breather and glance to a desk covered with files Tennis Ball and I had extracted from the abandoned laboratory in Yoyleland. While skimming through a few I come a cross a set of notes older than the others, after looking through I discover something which fills me with worry...

Golf Ball: This... won't be good if the connections are correct...

The following morning Normal P.O.V:

Pin and Coiny walks over to Firey & Leafy's  house listening to a news article on her phone.

*knock knock knock*

Firey: Hey Pin, Hello Coiny.

Pin: Hey Firey.

Coiny: Word is that a special eclipse is about to occur, you and your girl want in?

Firey: Sounds awesome but I'm not too sure. See, Leafy's been acting really weird all morning.

Coiny: Hasn't Leafy always been weird? Oof-

Pin: What's wrong?

Firey: Well she's been more uh... prone to aggression, it's gotten pretty in the span of 15 minuets that I sent Firey Jr over to stay over with his friend Grassy.

Pin: Hm, can I see her?

Firey: Well I suppose that would be fine, you're her bff after all.

Firey lets Pin & Coiny inside and head into the kitchen.

Firey: Hey Leafy, Pin and Coiny are here to see y- and you're raiding the fridge again... -_-

The trio stand there surprised as Leafy is seen scarfing everything she can down her gullet soon stooping to stare at her friends awkwardly. 

Leafy: ... hello.

Firey: Seriously Leafy?!

Leafy: What it's not my fault my appetite has suddenly increased 10 fold!

Firey: Are you implying it's mine? I literally did nothing!

Leafy & Firey: *pointless arguing*

The two go back and fourth not acknowledging Pin and Coiny still standing there witnessing this slightly out of character moment between them.

Pin: Better call Needle.

Coiny: Why?

Pin: She knows how to stop a lovers quarrel.   

A few minuets later...

Leafy & Firey: *still pointless arguing*

Coiny: Ugh, the way these two fight is worse than a bad soap opera...

Pin: Needle will be here any moment now.

Needle: Both of you knock it off!

The fighting goes silent as Needle marches into the room, Bubble also shows up nervous about what's happening.

Pin: Hi Bubble.

Bubble: Hi Pin.

Needle: Pin already filled me in on what's happening and fighting isn't going to help anything!

Firey & Leafy: Sorry Needle...

Needle: Good, now we can get back on topic. Golf Ball seems to want to see you Leafy.

Leafy: Huh, why?

Pin: Yeah why?

Needle: No idea, but I wouldn't keep her waiting.

The group exit the kitchen meeting Golf Ball and Tennis Ball in the living room.

Leafy: What uh did you want me for GB?

Golf Ball: We'll better discuss this in my underground factory, come on!

As Golf Ball grabs Leafy's hand and walks out Tennis Ball talks with the others.

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball claims that eclipse happening might have some effect on Leafy.

Firey: She was acting off, but what does she mean by that?

Tennis Ball: I don't know she was a little vague on details, but I think it may have something to do with the evilyay eafylay...

Bubble: ???

Golf Ball: What are you guys standing around for? Get moving!

Later on in the Golf Ball's factory Leafy sits on top of a examination table as Golf Ball does a few questionable but unlethal check ups on her. 

Golf Ball: Okay, now anything seem weird to you lately?

Leafy: Weird? A-Are you saying that I'm weird??

Golf Ball: Not at all, I am only asking if you've experienced anything bizarre habits.

Leafy: Oh, well now that you mention it I have been much hungrier lately, and the sun didn't seem to be doing any help for it. 

Golf Ball: I see... anything else?

Firey: As of yesterday Leafy has been prone to aggression and has been very sensitive lately..

Leafy: Firey! How could you say that about me!? :(

Firey: I'm sorry Leafy but it's true, you'd get angry at the drop of a hat.

Leafy: I would not, I am far to sweet for-

Leafy: GRAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

As Leafy rants Firey takes out a little hat and drops it, the second it hits the floor Leafy suddenly goes off the handle and even goes as far as to throw a knife or two at said hat startling the others in the process. 

~To be continued~

(Author's NOTE: I wasn't going to end this part here but this chapter already ended up long enough as it is. Anyhow, what possibly could be causing this rapid change in Leafy's behavior????)

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