INH-Chapter 4: how depraved can a human be?

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Toshinori yagi pov

I'm supposed to be a symbol...

Always smiling...

Never afraid...

But reading the file provided to me by Detective naomasa, an incredibly close friend of mine, I've never been more afraid...

Never so disgusted...



Heart broken...

Yesterday at about 2pm, a young man had approached a woman by the name of inko midoriya and informed her of her missing son's passing.

It was heartbreaking at just the opening line, but it got so much worse with each line. The boy had revealed that he had mercy killed the boy after escaping a testing facility being used by my arch nemesis, all for one...

Just reading that he was involved made my blood boil...

Apparently, the facility was dedicated to creating some kind of bio engineered super weapon. The kid that reported the facility was a homunculus, an artificial human, though calling it human during its initial creation is generous, considering it was a formless mass of flesh.

Their first test was to see if it could hold a quirk, and with afo's quirk, they succeeded. They gave him a quirk that belonged to a woman who had gone missing about 13 months ago. The quirk allowed the user to perfectly consume an object, leaving no waste, and side effects lead to the consumption of the memories, skills, and overall experiences of the consumed...

And as afo had proven with their second test, it consumed quirks too...

The elderly man who had gone missing about a week after the first woman was kidnapped, his quirk allowing him immense control over his own cellular structure. He was the second victim to these creatures' creation, allowing it to change and adapt its physical form to its needs.

According to the creature in its report, it had slowly developed a counciusness and sentience with each victim. With each person, it consumed it gaind the entire life experiences of his victims,  multiple long lives of memories to sift through. After about a year, it had managed to get a grasp on itself, forming an individual identity separate from the countless lives it now remembers from its victims.

Soon after forming its own separate identity, it encountered its last meal for its experimental development. A quirkless boy that it...

Tried to save?

Toshinori: Hmm?

This was confusing. This creature was created by afo for a purpose, likely to serve him and kill me, yet it seemingly rebelled out of nowhere.


According to the interrogation, the creature said that it had formed a moral compass out of the collective ideals and beliefs of its victims, doing this due to only having the experiences of his victims to form an opinion on what was right and wrong, with no exposure at all to any other humans or the outside.

He decided to rescue the boy after learning about the boys' dream. Apparently, the victims' dream was the tipping point for the creature to find the courage to fight back against its creator, who's cruelty he had countless memories of due to his previous victims.

After reading a very detailed report of their escape attempt that cover 10 minute increments. I was thoroughly disgusted and horrified by the creature, as in its report, it spared no detail on the names, quirks, history, and method of which he killed each and every guard of the facility. He had accrued an additional 200 lives ended.

After reading the report on the escape attempt, the creature reported on the condition of the child he was attempting to rescue after their escape, and ultimately, the final words of said child.

Reading the final wishes...

I'd have to be a monster to not feel heartbroken...

A quirkless child determined to be a hero above all else...

It reminded me of when I met master...

According to the report, he proceeded to meet Mrs midoriya to inform her about her son. The following paragraphs summarized profiles on each of his victims with information the creature could provide totaling at 173dead who's family the creatur asked to meet in order to deliver the final thoughts and feelings of the dead.

Toshinori: disgusting...

Naomasa: What is? The kid, his experience, or how depraved afo is?

Toshinori: All of it, and I think it's highly inaccurate to call this thing a child. With its collective memories, it's technically the oldest living creature to exist.

Naomasa: *sigh* Don't go holding a grudge toshi. That 'thing' put a stop to a major afo operation single handedly with seemingly no real damage sustained. Hell, it's got over a hundred additional quirks now.

Toshinori: It sounds like afo was attempting to make some kind of a weapon, or maybe a new and improved body.

Naomasa: That's good. It means he's scared. you're a threat, and he's pulling all the stops, and in doing so, he's getting sloppy, letting a whole base collapse on its own? That's not like him. Regardless, the kid is going to talk to the victims' families. Meanwhile, the da is going to put together a case for this kid to be classified as an animal experimentation case gone wrong, the kids going to get the same treatment as nezu.

I don't know how to feel about that...

A/n: So this is toshis chapter. They are gonna be pretty short and serve mostly as background lore building, a build-up for future events. I hoped yall like the first four chapters. Check my account post to get a handle on the writing style if you a chapter seemed funky, and criticism and suggestions are encouraged

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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