15. Einstein

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Excuse my mistakes💕!!

Marlondo Jayshawn Kymani Smith 📍Cherry Gardens, Kingston Jamaica

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Marlondo Jayshawn Kymani Smith
📍Cherry Gardens, Kingston Jamaica.

Cya believe mi mada fuck mi up suh.

Lied to us for years. Fuck dat. We whole life.

We a live a lie.

Cause weh she mean when she say dat?

Right now dat just a add to my stress and problems eno.

Shay-anna a wicked man.

Patting my pocket for my keys, I walked out of the house in the direction of my white axio.

We only use these cars when we're going to the warehouse, and we would use the probox to do out illegalities.

Retrieving my phone from my pocket I dialed Zaza.

"Yow" I said as he answered.

"Wah eh motive"

"A circle round your place eno, Einstein seh him have a ting fi show we" I informed and he responded and hung up.




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