Epilogue: the Masked Ball

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Everything was suddenly different.

It was in the way Magali looked at me now, knowing what had happened between me and the rebels, and knowing that despite everything I had decided to stay with her.

In the way not only her but everyone looked at me, for it hadn't taken long for the news of the rebellious thief engaging an infamous assassin in order to save the princess to spread. No one met my eyes but whispers followed me down the hallway.

It was present when I walked into my room at midnight, Tobias and Abram finally done interrogating me about what happened, to find Nick and Cara and Sam and Nemia waiting with a million questions.

I lied a lot. Magali was the only one to know what had really happened in the hallway before the duel. No one else would ever know about me and the rebels.

And the term "Royal Thief" seemed to be getting thrown around way more than necessary, but I didn't dispute it, despite what I had decided. It was a good cover for not being quite the well-behaved Thief they thought I had become.

Once again, I found the boulder at the edge of the forest and shoved it aside. In the vault I hesitated, wondering if the Book might let me touch it now but unwilling to risk what had happened last time. So into the depths of the dungeons, moving quicker than the last time now that I knew where to go. Silent footsteps but long, confident strides.

I felt better now. I hadn't realized before how much of my weariness had been worn into me by indecision, days of having no idea whose side I was on. Just having one plan, one allegiance to focus on- I no longer felt stretched out between two worlds. I could meet whatever happened now without flinching.

Even Nali's glare.

"You," she spat. "You traitor and liar and-"

"And your only chance to get out of here, so shush." I hadn't been sure if news would have made its way down here yet but I found I didn't mind.

"You expect me to believe you're still helping us?" She laughed bitterly. "Oh, sure, the Royal Thief taking pity on two poor-"

"Shut up," I said, without raising my voice, "before you say something I can't ignore. I don't expect you to believe I'm on your side anymore. I'm not." I pulled my lock picks from my pocket. "But I'm not your enemy, either."

Her mouth snapped shut as I began on the door. "I'll take you to the forest, and from there you're on your own. Tell Aiden he needs to reevaluate himself. And if when he does that he comes to the conclusion I did- then I would welcome your help. But until then, you will not come to the castle. You will not come to spy or steal or imagine you could harm the princess under my watch. She is not your target. And tell Aiden too if he can't understand that, then he should understand this-" I broke off as the lock fell loose, but held the door closed tight. "Any attempt on Magali will result in an equal retaliation against Xalva. There's a reason he's not coming with you."

She glared at me, chin held high, but said nothing.

"Those are the terms of your release. Break any of them and remember that I was with you long enough to know how to find you." I let the door open and nodded at Rayna, who rose from her corner.

"Come on, Nali."

"I won't-" she hissed, but Rayna grabbed her arm.

"You will, because it's better than rotting in here. Show us the way out, Thief."


My generosity extended to letting them go, but nothing more. I wasn't stupid enough to think the threats to Magali were over just because I'd dished out some of my own. Which meant I wasn't leaving her alone during- of all things- a masked ball. How completely ridiculous, a masked ball the night after an assassination attempt. Even more ridiculous that Tobias had refused to cancel it. No, masks usually didn't cover more than around the eyes, and most likely it wouldn't help anyone sneak into the palace, but the chance was still there. If I'd had my way the entire ball would have been canceled- birthday be damned- but clearly no one was listening to me, despite Abram's smug I told you so looks thrown at Tobias.

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