[CH. 0002] - The Initiation

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Eat good wine, drink good food, laugh with good friends and live like there is no tomorrow left! - Nord Morningstar

The ceremonial chamber stretched out, a vast expanse of dimness, lit only by the flickering flames of a sparse collection of candles. The room was stripped bare, its walls swallowed by shadows, allowing the faint illumination to dance and play across the rough textures. Positioned at the northern end was an altar, an austere structure crowned by a small leather-bound box. Gathering in a deliberate formation, the participants took their positions, forming a tight circle around an intricate pentagram drawn with vivid red salt. Among them, a cousin guided South, whose eyes gleamed with uncontainable excitement. She couldn't help but bear a wide, eager smile, her happiness palpable.

A presence of authority and command, the Matriarch positioned herself behind the altar, poised and composed. "Sisters and Brothers, Mothers and Fathers, Children and Orphans, welcome!" Her proclamation pierced through the silence, her voice authoritarian, compelling the room into hushed stillness, the sole interruption being the faint, steady crackling of the candles' flames. The Matriarch's hands hovered over the enigmatic black box. "Tonight, we once more open our doors to the Hallow!" Her voice carried a deep resonance, filling the chamber. "Tonight, we bestow upon our child the gift of Oblivion. No longer will she be confined to mere flesh and bone, for she shall become one with the Book of LaVeyan. One with the Hallow. Let us celebrate our child's transformation!"

The response was a thunderous chorus, a unified stomping of feet against the floor that sent ripples of vibration cascading through the very foundation of the room. As swiftly as the sound had come, it dissipated, replaced by a calm that was as dense as it was serene. The Matriarch's hands rose again, and silence descended upon the assembly like a heavy curtain.

"Now, let us mourn the loss of our beloved Rosemary Elisabete Mere Morningstar, the stalwart guardian of the Hallow until a decade passed. Rosemary left us, but the Hallow returned home. Though our tears may flow, we must not waver in our purpose: to shield the world from the threat, the insatiable hunger of the Hallow. Since the beginning of time, our Covenant bears the weight of this solemn mission, and today, we press onward!"

South's gaze discreetly shifted in Nord's direction, her smile still affixed with enthusiasm and curiosity. Nord nodded, her thumb raised in encouragement.

"Who presents this child to be consecrated?"

Nord's Mother moved, stepping forth from the circular formation. Her voice, while soft, carried authority. "I do."

"What name did you bestow upon your child?"

"South Anne Lilin Morningstar."

The Matriarch's voice was gravely stern as she continued, "What do you seek from this Covenant?" "I beg the Covenant to accept my child as a sacrifice and vessel to the Hallow. May her last breath protect our flesh and House and free our spirits."

South's radiant smile faltered, fading slightly when she heard the word sacrifice as she left the circle's centre and approached her Mother. Her voice was a hushed inquiry, laden with concern, "Mum, what does this all mean?"

"South, my dear, do not interrupt. Return to the centre," her Mother whispered gently, "Hush."

"Mum, but... sacrifice?"

Before South could inquire further, a hand from the crowd drew her back to the circle's centre, forcing her to redirect her attention to the Matriarch.

"You have beseeched for your child to be granted to the Hallow. In this act, you acknowledge the relinquishment of her physical form for the sake of our devotion to the Hallow. Understand that you now must abstain from teaching her the commandments of our Covenant as inscribed within the Book of LaVeyan, which emphasizes the love for our blood and the love of our House. Are you fully cognizant of the gravity of your undertaking?"

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