[CH. 0012] - The Devil's Jars

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It takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tained glory, and still love it. — Oscar Wilde

Leaning on the cold stone rail of the bridge, he sighed deeply. "Never make a deal with the devil over a bridge," an old saying echoed in his mind, as relevant in the world of Nyu as it was on Earth. But was it really the devil one had to worry about or the stultifying boredom that seemed to consume every part of his life lately?

Pulling his fedora hat—adorned with two faux ram horns—back onto his head, he hoisted his backpack over his shoulder. The bag jingled with the sound of glass, a mix of elixirs and empty jars that were supposed to make life more interesting but had so far failed to do so.

He started walking, feet crunching on the gravel road, each step like a tick of a clock. Hours seemed to pass, but not a single living soul crossed his path. Until finally, he spotted a small creature rustling in the grass—a Nixbob.

Curiosity momentarily revived, he made his way towards the tiny creature, who seemed wholly engrossed in its rummaging. As he approached, the Nixbob looked up, its eyes meeting his for just a second before it returned to its quest.

He couldn't help but wonder what had captured the creature's attention so completely. Was it food? Treasure? Or perhaps something far more interesting?

"Alright, little one, what's got you so intrigued?" he muttered to himself, crouching down for a closer look.

For the first time in the last few days, he felt the spark of genuine curiosity light up within him. In a world that had grown so dull, even the smallest mystery seemed like a gift. And as he watched the Nixbob finally unearth a small green sprout from the soil, he felt a smile stretch across his face.

Maybe Nyu wasn't so boring after all.

"I found it!" The child's voice broke the silence, full of an excitement that was nearly contagious. The little Nixbob twirled in place before darting toward him, feet barely touching the ground. "Mister! Mister! I found one!"

He looked around, genuinely surprised. "Are you talking to me?" It was rare for anyone—let alone a child—to notice him.

The Nixbob held up a perfect four-leaf clover, its tiny eyes gleaming. "You're a demon, aren't you? I can tell by your eyes—they're dark like the night but twinkle like a star!"

"That's a rather poetic way of putting it," he mused, intrigued by the child's perception. "Congratulations on your find. They say a four-leaf clover brings good luck."

The Nixbob's little eyes were practically stars as he clutched the four-leaf clover. "Look, look! I found this, and boom! There you were!"

The demon tilted his head, an amused smile tracing his lips. "Are you suggesting that this little plant summoned me?"

"Well, you're here, aren't you?" The Nixbob was a vibrating ball of fur and excitement.

The demon leaned closer, his eyes meeting the Nixbob's. "Do you have the faintest idea who I am?"

The Nixbob's exuberance faltered; his gaze dropped. "Uh-uh, sir."

His eyes narrowed. "For all you know, I could be a monster who feasts on innocent creatures. Little ones and their parents, and then have a nice juicy snack! You understand that, right?"

The Nixbob looked up, brimming with courage. "But you're not, are you?"

A smirk broke through. "Not today, probably not tomorrow either, no. But the next clover you find might not be as fortuitous. Keep that in mind."

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