And she talks

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He kissed my neck where the scar was. "You look like a bad ass in black hair Doll. See? My choice is always great."

I know that already that's why I coloured it black.

"You took your gun?" He asked me.

I motioned him towards my thighs where it was securely wrapped around the belt.

"You?" I asked him.

"Yes Doll. Not that we need but still precaution is better than prevention."

I went to take keys but he was faster.

"Not a chance Doll whenever I am with you. Let me treat you like you deserves." He winked at me as a smile spread on my lips.

"And let me treat you like you deserves the world Sen." I moved into his arms taking his familiar scent that I grown to love so much.


"And always Doll."

We both have went through so much, and I am surprised we are still alive and living our life peacefully. And it's all because of my partner in crime. Sen.

Didn't know that when I first saw him that we are going to be inseparable. Guess what? Things changed and for good.

Our first meeting was not so good.

"Enough." The loud, authoritative voice came from the left side.

I quickly turned towards it and due to darkness I couldn't see much of his facial expressions, only I could see was the body which was big and tall other than that nothing.

The girl from my side quickly stepped away from me when she heard the man's voice.

Is this man kidnapped me?

Who is this guy?

Another enemy of Rain?

I have so many questions swirling in my mind and I don't have answers any of that.

The girl protested. "You always come between my business Sen. What's your problem? I just started my fun."

Fun? My fucking ass

I rolled my eyes at that.


Is his name?

The girl in front of me said so maybe it's his name after all.

The man's silhouette stood the same place, not moving a further more.

"Go. Boss is calling you." He said matter of factly ignore her words.


So he is not the man who took me.

Someone else, his Boss whom I yet to meet.

"Fine." Then she looked at me once again for god knows what and then left heels clicking against the hard floor.

After she left, the man, Sen moved towards me closing the door after him. He stopped when he was in front of me. But I still couldn't see him face. He was standing in the dark. I tried to make out his features but found none as my eyes couldn't pass through the darkness.

He was looking at me. For what? I don't know.

For what felt like hours, he spoke. "Aren't you afraid of what will happen to you, Doll?"



I rolled my eyes at his nickname.


Am I afraid of what will happen to me?

The answer is Yes but I can't for the love of me show to them.

I have so many questions that they will do to me and made so many scenario too in my mind to prepay for the worst. Because I know, this whoever taken me, won't go easy on me. I just have this feeling and I will be surprised when I will be alive in the end but chances are rare to zero.

So I am prepared myself for everything.

What they will do to me? Let them do it because at this point I can't fight them.

"I can understand now." I snapped my eyes in front of me.

"Why the dangerous people are obsessive over you." He said.

Dangerous people? Like Rain and whoever took me?

And obsessive over me?

Can't Rain is enough? Now there's one adding to the list.

My life is fucked up, I truly think that.

And for some reasons, my heart is at pace. Maybe, I accepted my fate or maybe due to my past, with my father. He made me strong and that I'll give him the credit.

Because I am not afraid of what's coming, I am not afraid of the pain and also I am not afraid of unexpected journey.

I am strong and I have to keep me strong to maintain my sanity till the end.

If they break me, I will lose and darkness will surround me.

And I can't let that happen.

Darkness is just a word but once it will consume you, you will see nothing but darkness around you. It will corrupt your entire well being, it will consume your entire thoughts and leave you to insane.

Unstable is an understatement when darkness consume you, you feel like your insides are rotting inside, making painful for you to live every second of your life. You feel like someone is crashing your heart painfully slow, that you have nothing to do than just gain this unbearable pain.

You hate everything. People, children, nature, anything that you see. You hate it how they are living normal life and here you are going through this.

I forgot that Sen is still here watching my face untill he cleared his face. I looked at him with my raised brow.

"Missing your man, Doll?" He mocked me.

"Like you care."

He chuckled. "And she talks."

Is it Wrong? ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora