Chapter 9

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Jungkook settled into his chosen seat on the private jet, appreciating the space and comfort it provided. Soon, a fellow passenger took the seat beside him, and when he looked up, he found himself gazing into a pair of captivating doe eyes.

"Second lead, can I sit here?"

Jungkook nodded in response, acknowledging her request. As the flight progressed, Lisa passed him a bottle of water, her playful tone evident as she spoke. "Second lead, drink some water."

Lisa's persistence in using the nickname left Jungkook feeling somewhat resigned. He couldn't help but ask, "Ms. Manobal..."

She turned to face him, her expression earnest. "Yes, second lead?"

With a hint of amusement, he continued, "Are you planning to keep calling me that?"

Lisa met his gaze, determination in her eyes. "Yes. Until you find yourself a girl and transform into a main lead. Then I'll change the nickname."

Curiosity got the best of him, and he inquired further, "And what will you call me then?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Lisa's eyes as she replied, "Main lead."

Jungkook couldn't help but massage his temple, a bemused smile tugging at his lips.

"Is there a problem?"

Jungkook shook his head, dismissing any concerns. "Nothing."

Lisa responded with a reassuring smile. He opened the water bottles, passing one to her. "Then shouldn't I keep trying hard to become a main lead?"

With a determined nod, Lisa encouraged him, "Yes, fighting!"

Jimin, seated across from them, had been quietly observing their exchange while engrossed in his pregnancy book. He couldn't help but smile behind his book, appreciating their playful interaction.

As their conversation unfolded, Jimin realized the reason behind Jungkook's nickname. Chuckling softly, he looked up from his reading. "Kim Taehyung, are you the main lead now?"

Taehyung's smile faded at the question, and he responded with determination, "I am trying."

As Jungkook continued to interact with Lisa during their flight, he discovered that she lived up to her reputation. Raised by her father to be the heir of their company empire, Lisa had started working for the company when she was just eighteen. Her position had been shaky after her father's passing, but under Jimin's guidance and assistance, she had made significant progress.

Jungkook had also heard about the power struggle within her family, particularly involving her uncle who sought to seize her position within the company. A year ago, her father had met with a tragic accident that had resulted in his death. Lisa had always suspected foul play, believing it to be a meticulously planned act rather than a mere accident. Though she had no concrete evidence, she was determined to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.

During their project work together, Jungkook found Lisa to be a friendly and talkative individual, occasionally a bit loud. However, as they collaborated, he quickly realized her competence. Despite her youth, she displayed remarkable skill in her work. Jungkook could see the influence of Jimin in her work ethic, and her values and problem-solving approaches closely mirrored Jimin's own. It was evident that, aside from her father's grooming, Jimin had played a significant role in her development.

As they wrapped up their work for the day, Lisa's phone rang, and Jungkook couldn't help but notice the caller ID: Kim Mingyu. Lisa's expression shifted slightly when she saw the name.

"What is it?"

"I heard that you're in Singapore," Mingyu's voice came through the phone.

Lisa's eyes narrowed. "Yes, I have work to do here."

"Let's meet up tonight for dinner," Mingyu proposed.

It hadn't been long since their engagement, and Lisa had little romantic interest in him. Their relationship was primarily a business arrangement, and they often had to put on a facade in public. Lisa usually just wanted to get through their meetings.

"No, I can't. I have something to do," she replied, ready to hang up.

But before she could end the call, Mingyu interjected, "Lisa, we're engaged."

Lisa remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed out the window. "So?"

"We should try to nurture our feelings for each other, make an effort to build our relationship. After all, we're going to be married," Mingyu argued.

Lisa continued to stare out the window, her voice devoid of emotion. "We haven't felt anything from the beginning, how can anything change?"

Mingyu persisted, "You're back in Singapore now. If we don't see each other, what will people think? You know how the media loves to create drama."

Lisa was well aware of the media's proclivity for sensationalism. She bit her lip, weighing her options. "Time and place."

"Tonight, six thirty. I'll pick you up," Mingyu confirmed.

As she hung up the phone, Lisa couldn't help but reflect on the challenges of a loveless relationship.

After ending the call, a heavy silence filled the car. Lisa finally broke it, her voice carrying a sense of resignation. "I have to cancel our dinner plans tonight, guys."

Jimin and Taehyung both nodded, understanding the situation after overhearing her conversation with Kim Mingyu.

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