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And hour has passed and Tick Tock can not fall asleep. He couldn't understand why, and then he heard a whimper coming from Derpy's side of the bed. He sat up and looked over to her, and it looked like she was having a bad dream. Tick Tock did the The only thing he knew how to do at this time. Although he hadn't done it in a long while. He cuddled up next to her, and she calmed down.

When they were fillies, that would be what he would do for her when she had bad dreams, when they had sleepovers. Doing that calmed her down enough so stop shaking or whimpering. Tick Tock held onto her and was blushing redder than a firetruck. He had his hooves wrapped around her, and his head on her shoulder, but stayed a little distance away. He stayed like that in till she relaxed and shifted her self. When he let go and went to his side of the bed, he heard whimpering again.

This time he snuggled closer to her and started humming too. It was a soothing tone that his mother used to hum to him when he was littler. She relaxed once again and slept peacefully. Tick Tock went back to his side, and then she started wimpering again. He got to her side and repeated the proses again. He laid there a little longer this time and started to stroke her mane. She was completely serine, and then he inched his way back, but then she would inch to him.

He was blushing madly now, even his ears where red. He finally gave up and stayed there. He didn't mind though, he actually loved it. He wanted to stay like this forever. Then Derpy turned over to where she is facing Tick Tock . He blushed even more turning into more of a red pony than ginger. She got even closer to where there was absolutely no gap between them at all. His mind went blank, he never thought that he would ever be that close to her ever.

Her sleeping face looked like an angel, and Tick Tock could barley hold himself back anymore. They were so close and he was blushing uncontrollably. He inched his face closer and closer to hers, and his eyes slowly shut. He gently brushed his lips onto hers feeling the soft round lips. He kissed her a little harder tasting her sweet lips, he thought that they tasted like blueberry muffins.

When he pulled away he slowly opened his eyes to see Derpy staring at him with wide eyes blushing hard too. He jumped so high and off the bed that his head hit the wall. Derpy sat up to see if he was OK, and held her head. He looked up at her and blushed really, really hard .

    "I'm sorry! I am so sorry! to go!" Tick Tock said running out of the room and shutting the door quickly. He leaned on the door holding his hooves to his face in shame and embarrassment.

Tick Tock X Derpy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now