~ Request Page

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Welcome! This is my request page. Here, you will find the rules for my requests and a safe place to give ideas for skits. 

When I say rules, I don't mean a long list of strict, unbending rules. There are only a few simple ones that will be easy to follow.

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Number One

When sending in a request, there are two ways to give it to me: either by commenting your request here on the request page or by sending me a DM with your request.

Commenting would work best if you have a short request, as in you're explaining it.

DM-ing me would work best if you have a longer request, as in you wrote part/all of it and are sending it to me.

(Note: if you send me the entire/part of the skit, I will go through it and grammar-check it. I'll try to change as little as possible, but I will revise it a little bit so then it is grammatically correct.)

Number Two

No smut shot requests, please. I don't write smut, so if that's what you're looking for, you're going to have to find another person.

Number Three

If you are looking for fluff or angst between a certain ship, on the other hand, I am more than willing to do so. But there are only a few ships that I am okay with doing on here, and those are...

- William and Henry
          Present only

- Michael and Noah
          Past only

If you're looking for Marilyn and Michael being nice to each other for a bit, that's fine, too. Just don't expect sweet, sappy romance like with the ships listed above.

Number Four

If you don't want any credit for the request you sent, let me know! If you comment it, I will delete your comment (if that's possible). I will also say that the request was given by someone who wanted to remain anonymous.

Number Five

If you're here to simply look at the requests, only constructive criticism and compliments are allowed. Don't be a douche.

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That's all!

Happy requesting!

Afton Family SkitsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin