~ Timeline Meanings

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Forgot one thing! In the notes that start all of the skits, there will be an estimated time zone that the skits take place. Those time zones weren't clear at all when I was writing the first version of AFS, so I'm gonna explain them now!

Past is anywhere from when William and Henry were kids, all the way up to before Michael died. It's a lot, I know---the years of that measure from 1942 to 2008... Haha... Don't worry, though! I'll put the years and ages of the Afton kids when the skit takes place because the kids usually exist in past skits.

Past-ish is anywhere from after Michael was scooped to before the Pizzaplex was opened. So basically around years from 2009 to 2035 or something like that. Just like with "Past," I'll explain the years and age of Michael (since he's the one usually focused on in the "Past-ish" skits).

Current usually won't be labeled. I don't know why. I just haven't labeled them. I'll be labeling them now, though. Anyway, "Current" is about 1935 to 1938. Estimated. I guess. I don't know how to explain it. But, just like with the rest, it'll be labeled.

Future is just stuff I have planned to happen in the future but has no true hold on anything. It's never anything important. It's just stuff that's been playing in my head. For those, I'll always note any characters that you need to know and any other things.

That's all now! I swear! The next part uploaded will be a skit! I'm already working on it. But if y'all have any questions, just ask and I'll answer as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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