Zoning out|| Ch.2

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---Jazmine's pov---

I think I'm going insane.

Ever since I've seen her at the skating rink, I've been seeing here everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE!

I went to the park and she was there. I went to the mall and she was there with her parents!

School, Clubs, Arcade, my fucking dreams? SHE'S THERE! Especially the dream part.

For some reason I'm always dreaming about her winning prom queen and giving me the crown or some shit like that.

But I always win in those competitions, I've never even seen her compete!


Like come on man, she's way too shy to even be on stage. How would she compete?

"Jazzie? Hello?"

Even if she competes, I'm gonna win because literally everyone loves m-

"JAZZIE!!" I look up from my food and look at the voice.

"Yeah what's up?" My dad gives me a bewildered look then points at my grandma with his fork.

"Your grandmother is speaking to you" I look over at my grandma and see her smiling.

"I remember when I was your age and I would think about the boys my age, I used to be just as zoned out as you JiJi" My dad chuckles and continues to eat his food.

"Were you thinking about a boy JiJi?" I look at my dad and we laugh.

"I'm so sorry grandma! It's just... so funny" I say in between laughter. My dad calms down and clears his throat.

"What she meant to say is that, she wouldn't be thinking about boys" I calm down and look at my grandma.

"Why wouldn't you be thinking about boys JiJi? Are you afraid of boys?" My dad opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him before he can.

"I'm Lesbian, I like girls" I smile at her then continue to eat so my food doesn't get cold.

"Well were you thinking about a girl?" That sentence made me pause, and look at her then back at my food then at my dad.

"Of course she wasn't, that doesn't sound like something she'd do! Isn't that right Jazzie?" I choke on my food and put down my fork.

"Uhm well... I can't say I wasn't, but.. Umm" I stumble over my words and my grandma smiles at my dad then looks at me.

"What's her name JiJi?" I felt comfortable telling my grandma and dad stuff like this because they make me feel safe.

I look down. "Her name's Scarlett"

"Mama's girl Scarlett? The one you're always talking bout?" I feel my face get hotter.

"I thought you and your friends labeled her as 'the girl who acts like a puppet that her parent's play with'? Do you like her or something now?" I look up at my dad.

"That was in sixth grade! I'm in tenth now dad!" I look at my plate and notice that it's empty.

The perfect excuse to get out of the conversation. Thank you to whatever god did this.

"I'm gonna wash out my plate and go to bed, night grandma, night dad!" I get up and run to the kitchen with my plate and wash it out before heading straight to my room.

God he's such a pushover.

But I love him because he's my dad.

--- Scarlett's pov ---

I think I'm in love.

I can't stop thinking about her, and maybe she can't stop thinking about me?

I don't wanna make assumptions. Plus I'm just some nobody so I don't really care if she is or not.

Anyway, I keep having this weird dream over and over again about me winning prom queen and giving her the crown.

I don't know why I would win prom queen when I can barely go outside and socialize with people!

And I stopped being in competitions a long time ago. I still shudder when I remember what happened when I did my last competition.

Jazmine Hood wiped the floor with me and the competition then threw me in the trash. All I know is that after that she just kept winning.

I can't win like her! Everyone loves her for a reason. I looked up to her though because after that I would beg my mom to be in more beauty pagents just so I can get closer to her.

But evertime I did.

My mom said no.

She said that I could never be as good as Jazmine.

And thats what I hated about Jazmine, about my mom, about me. Jazmin was perfect in every single way. But after a few months of begging she finally took me to one.

She told me that if I failed to win then she'll never let me compete every again. And when I saw Jazmine, I knew I was doomed.

Doomed to never walk on the pagent stage again. Doomed to never see those pretty pink dresses and doomed to never smell those weird perfumes my mom would get from Walmart.

But in the middle of the talent part of the pagent, Jazmine got sick and had to go home. So maybe, just maybe, I had a chance.

And I was right, that night, I ended up winning the pagent and getting the tiara and sash for it.

My mom was so proud of me, she treated it like it was my birthday! I was so happy when she framed the sash and put the tiara in the display case next to our couch.

And I don't think anyone told Jazmine that I won. Because no one knew that I won.

And that's another thing I was happy about.

But anyways, I should probably ready for bed like I said I would ten minutes ago.

I wonder what Jazmine is doing right now.

----------- END OF CHAPTER -------------------------------


- ☆Kayla☆

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