Silence is so Loud

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Fem serial killer Mic x GN journalist reader

Horror Movie: Silence of the Lambs

Mic is several years older than reader, but reader is of legal age.




(y/n) felt nervous as they were brought closer and closer to the cell that held one of the most dangerous women in the world. It felt like there was an ominous aura surrounding the cage-like cell. 

The beautiful woman in the cell almost looked like a canary kept in a cage. If (y/n) didn't see the files on the horrific things she had done, they would have felt bad for her. 

"Hello Ms. Yamada, I am here to interview you" (y/n) stated as confidently as they could. 

"Ain't you just the cutest little thing? I thought they would send me some ugly old guy, but you look fresh outta college." Ms. Yamada purrs out. 

(y/n) felt weak to their knees, god her voice was alluring. They could see how so many fell to her. They gulped and spoke "I am the best in my field, they sent me because of how amazing" They tried to sound amicable as to not be rejected.

The woman laughed heartily, "You mean those pussies were too scared to face me." She wiped away fake tears before dramatically sighing "I suppose I could let you hear my story. Go ahead now little lamb, ask away"  

She had an eerie grin as she stared at them expectantly.

"Well, tell me about your first victim. What got you to start killing?" (y/n) said, hoping to get away from her stare.

Ms. Yamada's mood seemed to dim thinking about her first kill. "I was constantly harassed by my father's friend. One day, I was left alone with him and just, ya know, killed him."

(y/n) had seen the first kill, it was gruesome. The man's neck was torn into viciously, several of his organs were separate from his body and half eaten, other body parts were severely mangled. But the unnerving part was his face was untouched, his terrified eyes wide open and his mouth agape, as if he had to watch her eat him. 

"I have grown from that though, matured. My next kills were less desperate, I had planned it then. I cut their limbs off one by one and watched them bleed out. I cut inside them and took out the heart and liver. My personal opinion, they tasted the best. Then as I grew, my technique grew with me." She continued, clearly more proud of her 'growth' as a serial killer the deeper she went in. 

She almost sounded like she was going over her resume. (y/n) mused. 

"Little lamb, you might not know this, but I took pride in my last kills. They were the most important. My last kills were my father and the rest of his scummy friends. I killed them one by one and made them eat each other. But my father, I wanted to savor him, he was the very last, I would finally have his heart. You understand, don't ya, little lamb?" Ms. Yamada said.

But (y/n) didn't respond, they were lost in thought. The implications that this cannibalistic killer was actually a vigilante killing abusers before killing her own? Granted, she did it in a really fucked up way, but she would definitely get sympathy. (y/n) wondered if they would even be allowed to publish this story. 

(y/n) was thrown out of their thoughts by feminine hands gripping their shoulders. "You understand. Don't you, Lamb?" was whispered into their ear. They looked up and saw Ms. Yamada  out of her cell. 


"I've been waiting a long time for this interview, I was planning on killing the journalist but you are too cute to pass up. So I'm gonna keep you. Any objections, sugar?"

Before (y/n) could speak, they were knocked out. 

Ms. Yamada hummed and said "Thought so."

She leaves the room to kill the guards nearby and releases other prisoners to bring on chaos to get her darling and their meal into (y/n)'s car. 

The silence that filled the car was so loud.

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