Hyunjin Told I.N Part 8

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*The Next Day*

*Hyunjin entered the house of I.N*

Hyunjin: Hey, I.N can i ask you an favor? *He sounds tired*

*I.N gives Hyunjin an confused look and also an worried look on his face*

I.N: Sure, what is your favor? *He smiled*

Hyunjin: Thanks, can you tell our leader what happened? do you know? *He sighed*

*I.N looks so confused and kind of a bit scared*

I.N: W-wait, What happened? *He asks calmy*

*Hyunjin sighed* Hyunjin: So basically Changbin just killed Lee Know.

I.N: Wait why? Why would Changbin kill Lee Know? *He looks at Hyunjin with soft eyes and an confused look*

Hyunjin: So Lee Know was in front of me, and he was talking to me. and then i saw Changbin holding an knife. and i was asking why would he kill him, he said "Well, i had to protect you at all cost" Well, in real life i don't need protection from anyone. i can protect myself.

*I.N understands it now*

*I.N nodded* I.N: Okay, i understand now. *He smiled* I'm gonna tell our leader about this situation. *He smiled again while also looking at Hyunjin*

Hyunjin: So? *He paused* See you later? *He chuckled awkwardly*

I.N: Yeah, See you Hyunjinnie. *He chuckled and then waved goodbye while looking at him*

*Hyunjin paused for an minute and then he left the house of I.N and goes to his house*

                                                        WAIT FOR PART 9

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