Bangchan saw that some stays that are happy about it. Part 12

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*Few months later*

*Few minutes Bangchan is scrolling at twitter, and saw some heartwarming twitter posts, he cried for the past 10 minutes*

*And the past few hours, he saw the toxic "fans" that were happy about it. Then he cried for 8 minutes. and he noticed that some stays were defending Stray Kids.*

*Then he thought of an idea that he would post on his offical account, about the situation*

*But he didnt want stays to cry again.*

*But he thinks that its an good idea so he did it.*

*He logged out of his "secret" account, and logged in his official account and he twitted "Guys, i have to tell you something important and promise me you'll never leave even if this problem is very serious and that can make you guys cry. " Then he posted another twitter post "Let's be honest, the rumor that Lee Know died? It is indeed not false but true all of those words that the person said it is true." *Then he posted another one "I'm sorry, that it took longer to make me post this twitter post on this platform, i was trying to get ready for myself."

                                                             WAIT FOR PART 13

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