🧡your pov🧡

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Y/N's pov•

How how could I be so careless? I left the gas on!!!! *Screaming*

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

How how could I be so careless? I left the gas on!!!! *Screaming*

Lee Min Ho? When are you coming? I'm gonna eat you like a wasabi!

I'm gonna ask HyunLix if he went on a date with Chan or Han again.... That brat is too cute, sexy, stubborn,hot,catsy, stupid,stfu y/n.

Is he my stomach? Cuz I always think about him.
Is he a magician? Cuz when he's around everything else disappear.

Am I crazy? Cuz I keep thinking about a catboy all day.
Is he pain? Cuz I'm biting my lips right now tf!

He hasn't even sent me selfies of his cute eye poking poses and v signs like he does for clown stays on Instagram. Duh why he acting this way?


No one's pov•

*Phone rings*

Sana: hi y/n, madam you called me last time asking me about my new oven?
You: yeah I did! How much did it cost?
Sana: I don't know my love brought it.

You: huh? Ask him I want one!
Sana: are you gonna bake minho's ass in their?
You: Yes ma'am! Sure.

Sana: okay it was like around like something like uuuuhhh 2000 dollars?

You: really??? That's good I'm buying new. I just blasted the old one.

Sana: okay! How are the cat's Soonie,Doongie and Dori?
You: I love them! They love my company..... Okay bye. I'll see soon next week!

Sana: what about shopping? Me, you and Minji?
You: that's amazing!

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