F*ck Bose headphones | Lewis Hamilton

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Sup! So I wrote this at 3am  in the morning - you could say I was inspired haha...

Disclaimer: Bose please do not come for me - I am certifiably obsessed with your products it is just part of the story...anyway folks - Enjoy!

Constructive feedback is always encouraged - please don't hold back I always seek to improve :)



I make confident strides towards the paddock gates, tapping my pass onto the console, I hear it chirp as my face appears on the screen - here I am my home race, with my teammate - confident that today is the day to show Mercedes what I am made of.

Approaching a mob of reporters, I slide my custom Bose headphones off and rest them around my neck...slapping on my PR trained smile momentarily - tossing my anxiety aside.

"What song are you listening to this fine morning, Gia?" The sky sports reporter asks all smiley, moving along with our pace, placing the microphone in front of my face nearly shoving it into my mouth - overly eager for my response.

"Just pretend by Bad omens" I giggle and grin whilst attempting to distance myself from the microphone now threatening to bop me on the nose, I turn with my eyebrows raised to Lewis walking alongside me as he sees how tense I am and gives me a tight lipped smile and a soft look - bringing a wave of peace over my frazzled nerves as it says "hang in there, Gia". 

Today is the Brazilian Gran prix, it feels so good to be here as I see lots of fans dressed in the Brazilian colors - the energy here is electric and while I want to be here for the fans - reporters can make things difficult. 

But to my relief, before the interview could continue, Marco my PR manager, steps in between us and the reporter "Sorry, but Gia and Lewis need to be somewhere right now, I am sure you understand" giving a tight smile as he raises his arm to usher us through the crowd. The reporter nods and thanks us as we continue to move swiftly through the paddock. I nod and mouth "thank you" to Marco who nods in recognition - he understands that the less interviews before the races - the better. 

I return my focus to Lewis again "have you heard the song?" I ask him, curious about his response as he listens to a lot of music and raps too, he is very artistic...talented... some of the many things I admire about him... "No, surprisingly" he confesses with a grin spreading across his face...it's a smile that's like sunlight when it peeks out of the clouds after rain - small yet bright, subtle but captivating...

"Would you like to have a listen?" I ask with a smirk, he nods and without a second thought. I pull off my headphones and place them over his head, taking note to not catch his earrings - both of us stopping for a brief moment to check they are on properly. 

Before I can move my hands away, he brings his hands up over mine to adjust them, a subconscious response, but it catches me off guard - our eyes meet, my breath hitches and his eyes go wide as we fall into the gravity of the moment and yet when our hands collided... time stood still and I felt my heart beat accelerate full speed hearing the non-stop pounding in my ears and my cheeks becoming increasingly warmer as I take in his expression of surprise with a hint of amusement? I can't help but let my eyes take in his mesmerizing features... the carefully woven braids scattered around his head, his deliciously coloured skin like that of a Parisian dark hot chocolate glowing in the summer sun, those warm hazel brown eyes...striking as if he is reading my private thoughts but oozing with a sense of fervor... I dare not drift my eyes down further... but I can't stop myself, his lips...

"Gia" his voice, soft like velvet reaches my ears and shakes me out of my trance "What? Hmmm?" I reply anxiously stepping back into reality, retracting my hands and quickly placing them behind my back immediately missing the warmth of his hands. Looking back towards the paddock pathway I remember our objective but my cheeks are still burning... I pray he doesn't notice. "Right, Mercedes hospitality" I sheepishly grin, and begin speed walking away, trying to act casual but feeling like I need to get away from him...what on earth is he doing to me...

 I continue my quickened pace, without turning around, determined to push down the intrusive thoughts that continue to bubble up to the surface...

"He is wearing the silver earrings I gave him...they look so good on him..."

"God! Something about his style today the black oversized tee, pants and shoes, that sleek look is irresistibly sexy and suits him so well..."

"Did I want to kiss him?"

"Gah! Stop this Gia! In his eyes, I am just a rookie...a baby sister... he could never see me that way..."

"He is a world champion and I am just some girl who got lucky to be in Formula 1..."

But in the end my heart decided...it didn't care... Lewis was taking over me...and leaving that unchecked was dangerous - because it's impossible, nothing but a childish fantasy.

I soon reach the foyer of the Mercedes hospitality, it's busy with people flowing in and out of the space, pretty much the usual before qualifying at any grand prix... "Shit, my headphones" but before I could even turn around, I feel the familiar smoothness of leather, my headphones, slowly descending upon my head, relief falls on my lips with a small sigh, glad to have them back... The sound cancellation transporting me away from the bustling surrounding me...

My blissful moment of peace was quickly interrupted by a hand carefully removing my left ear cup off...a familiar voice...an intoxicating whisper infiltrates my ear...only loud enough for me to hear.

"Mmmm, you do have good taste in music...it could be my new favorite..."

A series of tingles...shoot up my spine, I tense up daring not turn my head to face him. However, I am forced to take in his familiar scent...pine, sandalwood, and tangerine...so strong, embracing my senses...I am fighting the urge to close my eyes and let my imagination take the wheel...

I command my thoughts to return back to the foyer only to see Lewis walking down the corridor towards his drivers suite, he turns around and our eyes meet across the room, he winks poking his tongue out as I am left standing there, Marco coming up beside me and ushering me towards my own suite - none the wiser that my heart is ready to jump out of my chest and into Lewis' arms.

As I walk slowly to my final destination...my rational thoughts finally step in...

"He makes me nervous, vulnerable, I need to regain control of the situation".

"I cannot have these feelings, he has always been there for me as a friend nothing more..."

"The race - that's where I need my headspace today".

"F*ck my feelings...f*ck Bose headphones".

Once again regaining my composure, I step into my room closing the door behind me and grabbing my racing suit off the hanger - it's game time.

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