Unrecognizable (Mini Series) 3: Am I dead? | Daniel Riccardo

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"Okay please start explaining this - now" I was on the edge of freaking out.

I grabbed my throat, eyes wide...what happened to my voice, this doesn't sound like me, it's too deep but suddenly I felt something on my face as I felt across my chin - a beard - AHH! I jumped up onto my feet. My 33 year old appearance established itself right then and there...

Well this is f*cking weird.

"Do you remember this day?" Mira posing the question whilst looking out to the water.

So, Mira is not freaking out about my sudden transformation...

Great... so I am alone in this tripping balls nutsack of a situation...

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask like the conversation is nothing special...trying to keep cool in front of this goddess of a woman.

"Are you sure about that?" She turns to face him raising an eyebrow as if she knows something he doesn't - and that did not sit right with me not one bit.

"What do you know, why are you even here? Am I dead?" I ask getting defensive, starting to lose my patience thinking that this could be end and the devil is finally at my side.

She rolls her eyes and heaved a long winded sigh "REALLY? Okay, first of all, you are not dead you are dreaming! Secondly, I am here to help and thirdly - we need to have a serious chat!" she begins to raise her voice clearly irritated by my speculations raising her hands to her temples and rubbing them intensely.

"Okay, so what are you then, my subconscious or some bullshit like that?" I laugh as the words come out of my mouth - RIDICULOUS I have officially lost my mind I concluded.

Mira ignored my question and continued... 

"Today was the day you got accepted into the Red Bull Traineeship program you idiot! How could you not remember that?" she exclaimed finally getting her point across she sighed once again falling back onto the sand with a thud.

I paused at her words..."Shit your right..." I mumbled, how could I forget that? It was just moments after Blake and I sat down on the beach that the phone call came through - the call that changed my life forever...

I remember been over the moon about that moment...seeing the private number show up on my phone screen, answering to hear Helmut Marko's voice on the other end...Hanging up quickly after the confirmation and screaming, jumping and cheering with Blake on the beach...

"Holy Sh*t mate your in! YOUR F*CKING IN!" He screams laughing hysterically as I embrace him in a bear hug as we continue to jump up and down like crazy idiots as the blazing sun begins to set over the horizon.

"Okay...but why are we here?" I turn to Mira confused about the entire situation I am in.

"Do you remember how it felt? Why you joined Red Bull in the first place?" Mira asked.

I close my eyes and try to remember the feelings I had in that moment...pure joy, exhilaration...excitement finally my moment had come where I could live out my dream. It feels like a memory from another life compared to where I am now...I never thought that my career would play out like this, all these feelings I had before...well they had long since died and I was thrust into a state of survival, grasping at straws like it was all slipping away...when did I begin to feel this way?

"I have forgotten..." I whispered devastated by this new found realisation...

Will I ever remember what it felt like?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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