Unrecognizable (Mini Series) 2: Heard from Red Bull yet? | Daniel Riccardo

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"Let's go already, Blake!" I tap my foot quickly hopefully it will help my best friend get into gear and out onto the waves "I have waited all day for this!" I continue, "As you have been telling me mate, hold your horses will ya?" he grumbles as he continues to puts on his wetsuit behind the back of the car. I up the anti and begin tapping my fingers on the bonnet - I have never been one for patience. 

Blake rolls his eyes and starts "if only you had this much attention for school mate you wouldn't be just scraping by" I scoff "like school really matters, if anything you should be worrying about yourself, I already have a plan" I snap back. F1 was the plan - the only plan it has been my whole life and recently I tried out for the Red Bull F1 Traineeship program...

God I hope I get in...

"Okay ready" Blake zips up his wetsuit and grabs his surfboard "Finally!" I exclaim with heavy sarcasm, Blake just shakes his head then shouts "race ya", "Oh shit - it's on" I reply as I grab my surfboard and sprint after Blake to the water - *Splash* 

"Ha ha ha - hell yeah I won!" I declared as I stuck out my tongue and flicked Blake the bird...Blake flicks one back and I smile a toothy grin from ear to ear...the water feels fucking amazing...

After an hour, I exited the water, as the sun began to set, I set my hands through my curls to remove them from my eyes and plonked myself next to Blake who was already enjoying the sunset. "So, heard from Red Bull yet?" Blake glanced my way curiously "No not yet, God I busted my ass during the try outs" I replied, riddled with uncertainty

"Do you really think I will get it Blake?" I look him in the eyes - invested in his answer.

"You have put everything into this, I know how important this is to you - what it means...I have been watching you drive for a long time since we were in primary school...win or lose you pushed through...you dare to dream with your eyes wide open...Fortune favors the bold and you mate are the boldest cunt I have ever met".

He smirks patting my shoulder, I break into small smile. Blake has always had my back he knows all the sacrifices I have made and are willing to make for racing all those birthdays, christmas' and God knows what else I missed, just for a chance to race in the big leagues...

I turn to face Blake..."Your right... I am one bold cunt" with both grin at each other and break out into hysterical laughter as we fall back into the sand unable to control ourselves.

Suddenly, I feel a set of eyes locking onto me, I shoot up and search around, seeing a small figure I focus my eyes into the distance a...girl? And she's looking right at me? She looks...

"Gorgeous" I mumbled as my mouth falls open

"Blake, check out that girl" I point towards the girl and then look over to where Blake was meant to be but...he's gone.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself feeling that something is seriously off as I look beyond where Blake was laying to find that all the beach goers that were there a moment ago - vanished.

I turn around to where the girl was now she was only a few meters away from me and wow...she was as refreshing as a tall glass of water...long blonde hair, smooth sun-kissed skin and those eyes, a deep brown deeper than a honey badgers burrow wowza...I need to say something...say something - anything! "Uhhhhh...Hiiii?" I pulled a perfectly awkward toothy grin as I realised...oh shit my voice broke, well there goes my shot at been smooth.

The girl gives a small smile and sits down beside me, "Hello, Daniel, I am Mira" she starts softly, I am wide eyed how does she know my name? Wait...Mira...Mira...why does that name feel so...familiar?

Suddenly, the beach that was previously sunset has now turned to darkness and the stars began to gleam in the night sky, the moon in full view, bright and vivid. "What is happening?" I turn to Mira as concerns starts to show on my face. "Daniel, we need to talk..." she begins slowly with a strained smile spreading across her face...

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