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"LOGAN, HOW MANY MINUTES LEFT?" yelled Ashlyn as she was running away from the creature. 

Logan glanced at his watch placed tightly around his wrist, the time was stuck at 12:00. He opened the timer and replied with, "8 MINUTES LEFT".

 "JUST A LITTLE LONGER", Tyler told his twin, Taylor, who was on the verge of tears. 

 Suddenly, Aiden pointed up ahead and said "THE GRAVEYARD IS UP AHEAD, LETS HURRY". 

 Large grey brick walls showed up from a distance, the gate was opened.

 The gang rushed inside, Ashlyn made a sharp turn, her hand hovering upon a big red button while the others got into a fighting stance if anything goes south. 

Ashlyn hit the button as it closed, the creature came charging at the gate. Aiden clenched his daggers and walked closer to Ashlyn. 

The gate closed in time and the creature was forced to stay out. 

Taylor stuck her tongue out at the monster on the other side while a few tears ran astray and said 'Lets return back to the bus and rest'. 

Everyone simultaneously agreed and followed Taylor back to the bus while Ashlyn and Aiden stayed outside, staring at the gate.

"Hey Ash, Is everything alright?" Aiden asked, frowning a little, His smile faltering.

"Yea, Everything's fine, other than the feeling of something bad going to happen" Ashlyn said looking down and avoiding eye contact while doing little motions with her hands.

Aiden looked at her for a while before speaking up, "Ash, Look at me, Nothing will happen alright?, I'm here to protect you!"

Ashlyn chuckled before smirking "Keep your word".

They were walking back to the bus when Ashlyn whipped her head around at the sudden sound of banging.

She turned around to see the entity climbing over the wall.

Aiden walked peacefully, unaware of the entity standing a few feet behind on a wall.

Ashlyn acting fast, grabbed His hand and sped down the pathway into the bus.

"GRAB YOUR WEAPONS, PHANTOM GOT INSIDE" Ashlyn let go of his hand and got an axe from the box kept in the corner of the bus. 

She stood confidently in a fighting stance while others were scampering for tools to fight with. 

The phantom walked in slowly, grabbing onto the side of the bus door.

There stood a tall, black creature, It was dark as void with a sinister smile on its face, No facial features were visible other than its vibrant white eyes and a wide smile.

"7 SECONDS LEFT!" Logan suddenly called out. "KEEP IT TOGETHER EVERYONE"

Tyler was ready to bash the phantom into the wall while Aiden glared daggers into it.

Ben stood in front of Logan and Taylor, shielding them from the intense stare of the phantom.

The echo of the ticking clock on Logan's wrist grew louder and louder, ringing in their ears as they waited for the phantom to pounce on them.


Everyone was back where they were before, in bed. They were back in the hotel in Savannah.

Taylor woke up first, shaking the ginger violently to get her up.

"What's happening?" The ginger questioned sleepily.

"We're back, You good? Do you feel nauseous or anything odd?" She continued her series of questions while Ashlyn tried to clear her head from waking up just recently.

"I feel a little nauseous" She said while gripping her stomach with one hand and hovering the other over her mouth.

Taylor looked at her with a sorrowful expression, she then spoke up, "Here, Let me take you to the bathroom" and guided her to the restroom.

Ashlyn got a phone call, It was Aiden. Taylor decided to pick it up since Ashlyn wasn't in a good condition and was puking in the bathroom.

"Hey Aiden, How's everyone else? How's Tyler doing?" She uttered in a low voice.

"Hey Tay, Is Ash there?, The others are fine, How's Ash? Did she get hurt?" Aiden bombarded her with questions.

"Woah, slow down there buddy, Ash is alright, she's just feeling a little nauseous, Are you Okay? why are you so worried?" Tayler questioned him suspiciously.

Aiden whacked his brain for an answer to why he was so distressed, Then he said "She's always feeling sick after the teleportation, I'm just making sure she's okay." stammering a bit here and there.

"Hmm, Okie!, Give the phone to Tyler please, I wanna talk to him" Asked Taylor politely.

Aiden hands the phone over to Tyler whos sitting next to him, listening to the two converse. He snatches the phone from Aiden in a rather unpleasant manner.

"TAYLOR, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? DID YOU GET HURT??", Tyler screamed from the phone, afraid his sister might be injured.

 Taylor giggled at her brother's concern, "I'm alright, It was a close call, but I'm Good".

Ashlyn walked out of the bathroom with a hand swiping across her face. She looked at Taylor and smiled a little "Who called me?". She glanced at me and then said "Oh, It was Aiden, he was very worried about you". Ashlyn stared at her phone in her hands and wondered 'Why is he suddenly so worried about me?'. She was jerked out of her ongoing train of thoughts when Taylor was asking her if she wanted to talk to him. 

Given the phone, She put it to her ear and waited for the other to speak, Soon enough, she heard a voice.

"Hey Ash? You there?" Aiden spoke, voice laced with concern. She couldn't help but smile.

"Yep, everything's alright here, How's things on your end?" She asked, hoping Ben and Logan would be okay.

"Ben is sleeping and Logan just woke up, Tyler and I were the first ones to wake" He spoke, Hurriedly. Silence on the on the other side.

Soon enough, Ashlyn spoke up, not wanting to stay in awkward silence any longer "Well, I'm gonna go sleep, we have to go back tomorrow, Its already 12:30" 

Aiden agreed and dropped the call. She sighed, put her phone on the desk and laid down facing the ceiling.

'When did it end up like this?' She thought to herself.

She looked to her right to see Taylor curled up into a ball sleeping peacefully as if she just hadn't  run away from flesh-eating entities. 

Ashlyn turned around and started playing with the brunette locks, untangling and combing it with her slender fingers.

She started feeling drowsy before the darkness hit her, She fell asleep thinking of the day where she's free from this endless cycle.

(1052 words)





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