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*3rd POV*

Running as fast as we can, keeping sight of each other.

We ran across the street as the red-blooded moon looks down on us.

There was rustling in the bushes nearby, insisting that phantoms were lurking around, waiting for the right time to pounce on them.


What was the time? How much time left? What's going on? How do we get out of here?...

Questions spiraled in their head to which both of the teenagers didn't know the answer to.

All they knew was to run. Run as fast as they can. Darting down the street to Ashlyns house.

Ashlyn barged open the door and shut is fast when Taylor was safe inside the house as well.

Both, brunette and red head were panting hard. Trying to catch their breath.

A couple of minutes passed as they sat on the floor of the living room. The door being locked gave them a sense of security.

"How much time... do you think we have left?" Taylor asked Ashyln with a pause.

"I don't know...I'm sorry..I'm so sorry.." Ashlyn started crying, tears falling down her freckled face. Taylor looked at her pitifully.

She pulls her into a hug. Not letting her go until she's calmed down.

*Knock Knock*

The door banged in behind Ashlyn and she shook at the sudden sound.

Taylor looked behind Ashlyn, terrified of the the possible image behind her.

Ashlyn stood up, making her way to the door slowly making her way to the door. Her footsteps getting heavier by the second.


There it was again. They banged on the door again. The person that stood behind the door hesitated.

Ashlyn's hand gripped the golden handle tightly with one hand and the using the other to hold the key.

Taylor was holding a knife from the kitchen. Ready to attack if needed.

Ashlyn Twisted the doorknob and pulled it.

To her surprise, it was Aiden. He looked pretty beat up. Ashlyn grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind her.

"You're here too!?" Both Ashlyn and Taylor Said at the same time.

Aiden didn't look too shocked and made his way to the sofa. He was too laid back about this whole situation.

Suddenly, the ticking of a clock could be heard in the room.

All three of them looked at each other. Unsure of whether what they were hearing was their imagination or reality. After all nothing was ever real in the phantom world.

No one said anything for a while, not until the ticking got louder and louder.

Aiden got annoyed of it and spoke "Are you hearing this ticking time bomb?" With a little sarcasm.

And just like that. There a high pitched sound. So loud, it could drive anyone insane.

And by the end of it, they left the phantom world.

Although they were in the same places as before (Taylor and Ashlyn being in the café and Aiden in his bedroom)

"What just happened?"  Ashlyn asked her self. Confusion covering her face.

Taylor didn't look too good her self. Eyes looking hallow, all the light and shine behind those happy eyes, disappeared, as it it wasn't there in the first place.

In a flash, Ashlyn grabbed her phone, which was left on the table and dialed Aiden's phone number. The ringing sound played in the background.

Pick up, Pick up, please Pick up... 

These two words kept playing in her head over and over, praying nothing had happened to Aiden.

"ASH! where are you and Taylor right now!?" Aiden's voice could be heard from the phone. Ashlyn was in a trance and didn't notice him picking up. 

She felt a mix of emotions. Happiness? Relieved? worried? but mainly, she was glad nothing happened to him.

"Café" was the only word she was able to mutter out loud enough for him to hear. The call ended and she placed her phone gently on the table next to a plate of colorful macaroons. 

Taylor. Ashlyn noticed her presence and looked at her direction. The waiter had dropped off their orders a few minutes prior. Taylor was poking her strawberry cake with her fork, not wanting to eat it.

"You okay, Taylor?" Ashlyn asked her with a concerned look on her face. She was worried for her friend. Taylor looked up from her cake and smiled. A painful smile.

"Don't worry Ashlyn, I'm okay"  Was all she said before taking a bite of her cake.

The bells on the café gate chimed indicating the presence of someone entering. I looked down the isle and saw Aiden standing there in a red hoodie and black shorts

He made his way down to their seats. Ashlyn scooted over to give him space to sit down.

No one said anything for a while, waiting for the other to say something.

"We.. we should call the others" Aiden started, "They should know about it" 

Taylor nodded at his words and looked at Ashlyn. She picked up her phone from the table and opened the group chat.

---  Phantom Slayers 🤺 ---

Everyone, come to Honey Café. We need to discuss something important.

Tyler: What happened? Is Taylor okay!?

Ben: I'm on my way.

Logan: ^

Don't worry Tyler, she's alright.... I hope.

Tyler: Alright, I'm coming, Tell Taylor not to worry.

Will do


"Tyler is coming, don't worry Taylor."  Aiden told her softly. Ashlyn was left dumbfounded. Usually, he'd be laughing and grinning, but no, he's calm. Too calm.

Aiden looked down to Ashlyn's hands, they were trembling. He glanced at her. Her head was turned to face the window, looking at the outside world from the tinted windows.

He grabbed a hold of her hand, not letting go till she calmed down a little. At first Ashlyn shook, then she warmed up to the feeling and held his hand back, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The two sat together, not letting go of the other. (Poor Taylor, being the 3rd wheel again :[ )

 (words: 954)

Heyyyy yall, sorry I haven't been posting much

I'm not feeling motivated to do anything recently but I'm still trying to upload, I hope you don't mind this extremely late update.

Sorry again.

I'll try to update fast.

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