1 - Hogwarts Express

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Third Person POV:

"Mother, Mother," A young boy with black hair says, bouncing up and down with excitement. "Look, look, look! It's the train! It's the train!"

A taller woman smiled as she walked her son closer to the red train. The words Hogwarts Express were plastered on the front, and hundreds of children and their parents were saying goodbye as they boarded.

"Mike, be careful on the train, yes?" Karen says, keeping a firm grip on her eleven year old son.

The boy nodded rapidly seven times, beaming. "Yes, and only take up to ten pieces of candy, no magic on other children, and no rudeness," He repeats his mother's words from before.

"Good, now you better Owl me soon," Karen says. She presses a kiss to Mike's forehead. "Take good care of your animal familiar as well."

Mike nods again, his hands tightly gripping onto his cart full of supplies, and a cage that held an adder snake inside, her body wrapped around her small hanger. Usually, snakes aren't allowed in Hogwarts. But being an important pure-blood family did have its perks.

Karen presses another kiss to Mike's forehead and looks up at the train. "Alright, see you in a few months, dear," She says, patting Mike on the back.

The boy nods and pushes his cart to the train. He has someone else carry his larger items in while he opens the cage of his snake and lets her slither up his arm, nestling in the crook of Mike's neck. 

"Hold on, Jana," Mike whispers, entering the train hallway.

He looks around, his eyes flitting from one kid to the next as he pushes past them all, making his way to an empty train compartment. He sets his carry on bags down and sits, sighing.

Then the compartment door slams open, revealing none other than Max Mayfield.

"YOU!" She shrieks, jabbing a finger accusingly at Mike, eyes fuming. 

Mike grins. "Good to see you too, Maxine," He says.

The girl huffs, walking in and sitting on the seat opposite Mike. She was carrying her cat, a black tabby, and stroked the top of it's head while giving a indignant look at Mike.

"I can't believe you even did such a thing!" Max exclaims.

"It was a harmless prank," Mike retorts, snickering. "How was I supposed to know he was terrified of beetles?"

Jana's head rose, and she hissed at Max's cat.

"So they let you bring Jana?" Max questions, her eyes softening and her earlier anger forgotten. "Hm, maybe Twig will soften up to her now."

"Maybe, but your cat is stubborn as a dog," Mike says.

The door opened again, revealing a boy with dark hair and skin. He looked at the two kids skeptically. "Will there be any more surprises involving bugs?" He asks immediately, making Mike giggle before bursting into a laughing fit.

"Just sit down, Lulu," Max says, patting the seat next to her. 

Mike wiped away a tear from laughing and smiled at his friends. "Aren't you both excited?" He says, beaming from ear to ear. "It's our first year of Hogwarts! What house are each of you wanting?"

"Slytherin, duh," Max says, rolling her eyes. "You and I both know that if we don't get into Slytherin our parents will hang us by our ankles."

"I'm not sure, I'll let the hat decide," Lucas says, shrugging. "My parents says it doesn't matter."

A loud whistle blew, and the train took off.


Will was very confused.

Firstly, apparently, all of a sudden-ly, he was a wizard. Not a magician type thing, those fakes, no. A real, wands and all, wizard.

Secondly, giving your son a letter addressed to 'Hogwarts' probably wasn't the best way to break the news. His mother, Joyce, didn't seem to care.

Thirdly, he was standing in front of a huge train, a cart clenched tightly in his hands, his mouth dropped open. Gripwhip, his owl, squawked at him, and he took that as a hurry up message. He set his jaw back in place and started boarding.

There were probably a million kids on this train, all different ages, all with luggage and loud voices.

He silently squeezed around them, before lighting up when he saw an empty train compartment just a few feet away. He pushed past another set of boys arguing over.. chocolate frogs? And made his way inside.

"Gosh, Gripwhip, what am I doing?" Will mutters, petting the owl's head inside the cage.

There was a knock on the door and Will looked up as a girl entered. "Good afternoon," She says politely, holding her head up high. "It seems to be that there are no more compartments left."

"Yeah, you can stay here," Will answers her unspoken question.

The girl grinned, plopping down in the seat opposite Will. "Perfect, my name is Jane Ives," She says, holding out a hand to shake. Will did so, smiling.

"I'm Will Byers," He says.

"Great!" Jane says. "Are you excited for Hogwarts? I sure am, my mum and my dad have always been telling me how much I'll learn and what I'll do and friends I'll make."

Will nods. "I'm excited, but I didn't even know I was a wizard until like- a day ago."

"You muggle-born?" Jane questions.

"No, half-blood," Will explains, shaking his head. "My mum didn't want to tell me yet and my father thought I was too young."

Jane hums in thought. "What's your owl's name?" She asks, looking between Gripwhip and her own.

"Gripwhip, you?"

"Maddie. Short for Maddikins," Jane says, beaming. 

Will smiles again. "I like it," He says, nodding in approval. Then the door opens again, and a boy with curly hair and glasses enters the room, sounding out of breath.

"Hey, I need a place to seat," The boy says, giving them a shy smile. "Could I stay here?"

"Yep, the more the merrier," Will says, patting the seat next to him. The boy gratefully sits down. "What's your name?"

The boy grins. "Dustin. Dustin Henderson," He says.

"Nice to meet you Dustin," Jane says. "I'm Jane Ives, and this is Will Byers." She points at herself and then at Will, not caring if Will wanted to introduce himself or not. He didn't, so he didn't care.

Then Dustin leaned forward, as if he was going to share a secret. "Did you hear the news?" He whispers.

"What?" Will and Jane whisper back in unison.

"The only boy from that pure-blood family's gonna be in our year," Dustin gossips. "The Wheeler boy, is what they're calling him."

"Ohhhh, him," Jane says, leaning back. "I heard he's really nasty. Bloody awful."

Will frowns. "I don't think we should believe everything we hear," He says politely. After all, he does despise judging by the book. "We should make our opinions when we meet him."

Dustin nods in approval. "I bet you'll be a good friend, Will," He says.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.1k words)

:D Welcome

I have a disorder called TMWI: Too Many Writing Ideas

Sadly it's permanent D:

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