6 - Amortentia (Part 2)

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{Since this is a ff, I'm taking liberties on how potions are made}

Third Person POV:

"No, no," Will says, swatting Lucas's hand away from the cauldron. "You pour the glacier water in then chop of the seeds!"

Lucas groans in annoyance. While Will has been actually doing the potion, Lucas has been hanging around, completing any steps Will needs him to do. Apparently, everything Lucas does isn't good for the potion.

But hey, it isn't his fault the potion in third year exploded.

Or the year before that. And before that.

Everyone was having a mediocre time, with Will being the best at brewing the potion. He adds a few more ingredients and the potion becomes a nice light pink color-- meaning he did it properly.

Slughorn walks over, looks at the potion, and smiles at Will. "Good job," He says. "Ten points to Gryffindor." Then he walks away, watching everyone else continue brewing their potions.

Will grins at Lucas, who just groans and puts his head in his arms. "Finally, freedom," Lucas mutters.

The class ends once everyone finishes, and they put the potions away, writing their names on each of them. As Will moves his quill to write his name, Mike comes up to him and Lucas.

"How did you both finish the potion?" Mike whines, making Will smile.

"Dude, I barely did anything," Lucas says, holding his hands in the air in a surrender movement. "It was all Will. I would've gotten a big fat F."

Mike turns to Will, eyes pleading. "Please, Will, how did you do it?"

Will chuckles under his breath as he gently places the potion in the cabinet with the others, before collecting all his things to leave.

"It wasn't that hard, you just need to read the instructions," Will says.

As the three boys begin to leave the room, Max joins them. "Are they pestering you because they suck at working?" She says.

Mike gasps. "How dare you, Max!" He exclaims.

Max grins. "What?" She asks innocently. "It's true, isn't it?" Mike grumbles, not able to deny the fact. Will laughs again, before bumping into a girl as he walks.

"Oh, sorry," The girl says, looking away.

Will blinks. "No problem," He responds, turning back to his friends. The small moment disappears from his mind instantly, and he continues chatting with his friends on the way out.

The girl and one of her friends stick in the room, waiting.

"Both of you need to leave," Slughorn says, giving the two girls a smile. "Class is over for the day, so I presume you both have homework to complete."

The two girls exchange a glance before the other friend whips out her wand, pointing at the professor. "Somnum nunc," She chants. Slughorn's eyes roll up in the back of his head and he falls backward, crashing into a few jars on his way to the floor, snoring already.

"Yikes," The first girl says. "Good job, Amy."

"I'm so glad that it worked," The second girl, Amy, says as she wipes the sweat off her brow. "Now, what were you trying to get in here?"

The first girl smiles cheekily at her friend. "My Amortentia," She says.

"Oooohh, you're gonna act on your crush?" Amy whispers excitedly. The first girl nods. "Good for you!"

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