4 - The Second Task

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Third Person POV:

It was decided.

Will hated dragons.

He hated them. He barely got out of the first task and he still had burn and singe marks on his robes, having to pat away bits of fire when he got out.

And before you knew it, tons and tons of students and staff were out in the water, cheering for the champions.

The rules of the second task were explained just a few minutes ago, and Will was sweating nervously already.

Lucas was pushing through the crowd, Max at his side.

"Where is he?" Max shouts over the noise, looking around for her dark haired friend. Mike had disappeared mysteriously a few hours beforehand, and now they were searching everywhere for the boy.

Earlier, Dustin had talked with Will about a way down to the second task, which was obvious underwater.

"You remember?" The curly haired boy gestures with his wand. The two had practiced the Bubble-Head charm for hours, making sure Will wouldn't drown down there.

Mcgonagall held a whistle to her mouth.

All of the champions got ready to dive, and the moment the whistle blew, Will went head first in the water. He was quick, gripping the wand in one hand while swimming around. He cast a spell to determine the direction of the 'important someone'.

Who is my 'important someone'? Lucas maybe? Dustin? Will thought as he follows the spell. No, I saw both of them just a few minutes ago. Jane? No..

He swam through a part of seaweed and spotted the pillars where the people were.

With a quick glance around, his eyes widened in shock when you spotted someone he never would've thought to have seen.

MIKE?! Will exclaims through his mind. Sure enough, Mike was floating in place, his hands strapped above his head. His hair was floating as well, and he had a pretty peaceful expression. Will blushed before shaking his head.

He swam closer, and saw mermaids swimming around, looking dangerously close to the sleeping students.

Will held out his wand and a spell erupted from the tip, making the rope tying Mike in place break. Mike gently drifted downward towards the seafloor before Will wrapped his arm around his waist. He didn't even glance at the other champions grabbing their friends or family before he shot to the surface.

When he took a huge gasp of real air, Mike's head suddenly jolted up as well, gasping for his breath. His black hair was plastered across his face, so he couldn't see well, but that didn't stop him from latching onto Will's arm like it was his lifeline, because again, he cannot swim.

Will gripped Mike close to him as he swam for the dock, where Lucas, Max, and Dustin were all waiting, shouting both of their names.

Of course, Mike was pushed up first, still dazed.

Lucas and Max grab him by the arms and help him get up, wrapping a towel around the confused boy. His large brown eyes blinked as his head turned around a few times, before making contact with Will's own.

Even when Will slowly looked away, Mike kept staring, his brain frazzled from the cold and from just waking up.

"C'mon, let's get you somewhere warmer," Lucas says, helping Mike up.


"I hate being cold," Mike grumbles, shivering. Max snort and Mike glares at her. "Shut up, you weren't underwater for who knows how long, were you?"

Max smirks. "No, but someone oh so heroically saved you," She teases.

Mike's face flushes pink, contrasting with his pale skin. "What are you talking about?" He says, looking away. "Will was just completely the task."

"I saw you when Will was battling the dragon in the first task," Max says, sounding nonchalant. "Biting your lip, furrowing your brows, I know what you do when you're worried. Your shoulders get all tense and you bite on your nails."

"Of course I was worried," Mike says indignantly, holding his chin up. "He's my friend," He pauses. "I think."

Max groans. "You're hopeless, dude, hopeless," She mutters.

Mike glares at her again, but the viciousness was lost since the poor boy was shivering tremendously from the cold.

The door opens and Will hurries inside, running to Mike.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He frets, checking to see the blankets were piled up correctly on Mike's shoulders. "Are you still cold? Do you need water or something warm to drink?"

Mike's glare disappears and he smiles at Will. "No, I'm good," He says.

Will sighs in relief. "I was so worried when I saw you underwater," He says. "What are these teachers thinking? What if you had drowned down there because I couldn't get to you in time? Incompetent, is what they are, incompetent."

"Don't worry, I bet they had a safe button or something," Mike says, eyeing Max as she inches her way out of the room. Will doesn't even notice. "I hear you got the most points out of all of them."

"Yeah, I'm in the lead now," He says. "I still can't believe those teachers though."

Mike chuckles. "I didn't drown, so you don't have to worry," He says as Will sat next to him on the infirmary bed. "I'm glad you're winning, though I think the Durmstrang champion is out for your guts."

The two boys giggle for a moment, both of them remembering the expression of rage Billy Hargrove had given Will when he had resurfaced, a few minutes after Will.

"Well," Mike starts thoughtfully. "You only have one task left, and then we can be done with this game."

Will groans in annoyance. "These are so stupid," He says. "And dangerous, I would've been killed by that dragon if I didn't know enough spells and was good with my broom. And don't get me started on the press."

Mike had a feeling he was about to get started. Will chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment.

"There's this woman who keeps writing about how I want all this glory, and how I somehow tricked the age line so I could put my name in," Will starts, and Mike smiles. "Which is such bullshit, I never wanted to be in these games and I can't believe whoever entered me in."

Will continued ranting while Mike stared at him, smiling softly.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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