Chapter 29: Resolve

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Next thing I know, we're outside under a clear blue sky. I can't see the others anymore, which means Caster separated us for some purpose.

"Are you alright?" Jeanne asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. "How about you?"

"No problems here," Jeanne says. "But this place..."

I look around again. We're on an open plain somewhere in the countryside. I don't think I've been here before, but the overall scenery seems vaguely familiar.

Jeanne points down the road. "Over there."

Sure enough, there's a medieval town up ahead. This space might be a replica of the era she lived in, if I had to guess.

"Do you recognize it?" I ask.

"We have to move closer to be certain," Jeanne says. "But I believe so, yes."

"Well, knowing Caster, we won't get out unless we proceed and play his little game," I say. "Let's go."

With her consent, we move toward the wide-open city gate. Inside, we find the textbook example of a medieval town during peacetime. There's lots of foot traffic, merchants peddling their goods, and the occasional guards doing their rounds.

"I knew it," Jeanne says. "This is Orléans, but... something is not right."

Even as I'm eyeing our surroundings a little closer, nothing in particular catches my attention. Not that I know this place like she does.

"Can't say I see anything out of the ordinary, but I'll trust your gut on that one," I say. "That up ahead looks like the town square. Maybe we'll find something there?"

The moment we step into the plaza, Jeanne's eyes fixate on something in the distance. Following her gaze, I gaze at the castle keep and the flag flying above it.

It's just the English flag, I don't see what-

Wait a minute...

"This is wrong," Jeanne says. "Orléans was never conquered in the war."

"Indeed, that is the truth," Caster says. "But let us consider an alternative, shall we?"

The two of us turn around to find Caster standing in the crowd, arms behind his back.

"No matter how many illusions you fabricate," Jeanne says. "We will not be led astray."

Caster raises a hand. "I am afraid you are mistaken. The world we find ourselves in at this time is not my invention. It is one born from your heart."

Neither of us replies to that. Frankly, I have a hard time believing anything he says at this point.

"At a loss for words, I see," Caster continues. "Then allow me to explain. Have you ever wondered what your life would be like had you made a different choice at any point?"

If this is supposed to be a hypothetical outcome where England won the Hundred Years War, then that would mean...

"Are you saying..." Jeanne says.

"Yes!" Caster spreads his arms. "Behold the world where Jeanne D'Arc never took up arms against the invading English! A world of peace and prosperity! A world born from your heart!"


Enkidu wakes from his stupor. A self-diagnostic reveals no issues with his clay. The only problem at hand is that he's currently alone and can't sense anyone nearby. As for his location...

"This is..."

Trees so tall they could reach the heavens themselves. A nearby river streams down the mountains and continues toward the sea in the south.

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