Chapter 4: Summoning of the Heroic Spirits - Part 2

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"Professor, may I ask you a question?" Talia asks the elderly man as they walk side by side.

"Certainly," the Professor replies without averting his gaze as he keeps walking.

It is a chilly evening. If she were to be honest, she'd admit that she has so far failed to relate herself to it, even after being here in Fuyuki for a week.

They have wandered through the streets of the rural area of town, there was not a soul to be spotted alongside them.

"Why was there a meeting called so suddenly?" she asks. "And if it's so important, why am I coming along too?"

"It's because of a sensitive matter the Mage's Association has kept quiet about," the man explains as they round the corner. "As for your other question, you're coming with me as a safety precaution."

"Safety precaution?" Talia repeats after her Professor.

"Rest assured, there is no substantial threat to worry about. This matter should be resolved quickly," the Professor concludes, leaving no room for her to ask more questions.

He has only succeeded in worrying her further, even more than she has been before she asked her question.. The fact that the Professor hasn't divulged any details on the matter didn't make it any better, as well. Talia sighs, she has definitely not expected this when she received an offer to participate in an exchange program between the Atlas Institute of Egypt and the Mage's Association to observe the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki.

They arrive at a modest looking mansion in the rural area of the city. The Professor knocks three times on the door, then pauses briefly before knocking two more times. The door opens a few moments later, revealing a man in his late twenties with black hair covering his forehead.

"Ah, Professor Amari," the man smiles as he sees him before his gaze wanders over to the student next to him. "And that must be the ace student of your class if I'm not mistaken. Come in."

"Sir Hendrik, we finally meet in person," the Professor replies as Hendrik ushers both of them in.

Contrary to the outer appearance, the interior of this mansion is set up on the pompous side. Talia simply walks in silently beside the two other mages and follows them to the main hall. There, a table is set up with three other mages already sitting there and having a heated discussion of sorts.

The three of them take a seat at the table and help themselves to the provided drinks. Talia listens to the conversation the others are having. She feels so out of place here. Maybe she should have stayed at home but it's not like she had much choice in the matter. Her parents practically jumped at the idea for the sake of spreading the family's name throughout the mage world. It's too bad that the other two students at Atlas didn't accept the offer because they want to focus on their studies. Talia would had some like-minded company if they came with her.

About half an hour with no progress whatsoever passes before she knows it, they are waiting for the last mage to show up for the meeting. The door finally swings open before a man clad in a navy scholar coat and black pants walks in, his blonde hair swaying with each step.

"Ah, Kayneth," one of the mages at the table greets him. "We were starting to worry that you wouldn't make it."

"I've run into a few minor setbacks to solve regarding the Holy Grail War. It simply took longer than anticipated," Kayneth elaborates

"So you have been chosen then?" Hendrik asks. "Last I heard, five Masters have already been selected by the Grail."

"One of them being nothing but a hired gun," one of the mages scoffs. "Such an embarrassment, is it not?"

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