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The room is cloaked in shadows, the only source of light being the soft, silvery glow radiating from Azalea herself.

Azalea, a precocious eight-year-old with a mane of inky hair and eyes brimming with curiosity, exudes an air of both determination and trepidation.

Barefoot and dressed in her nightclothes, Azalea's small fingers trace a small necklace hanging around her neck. Her heart beats like a distant drum, and her breaths come out in measured, deliberate exhales.

With a deep inhale, Azalea closes her eyes and begins to recite the forbidden incantation, her voice a soft, trembling whisper.

The room's temperature drops dramatically, and an eerie stillness descends, as if the very air is holding its breath in anticipation.

She would be greater then anyone before.

Soon she would be free.

It was only a matter of time till her relatives would realize the mistake they had made.


In a chamber atop Mount Olympus, Apollo, the radiant god of prophecy and light, stood alone, his face etched with anguish.

His golden lyre lay forgotten on a marble pedestal as he gazed into the flickering flames of a sacred hearth. The weight of the future bore down upon him, a burden heavier than any mortal or deity could fathom.

Apollo's brow furrowed, and his eyes, once filled with divine certainty, now shimmered with tears.

He saw the endless tapestry of time unrolling before him, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow, life and death. His gift of foresight was both a blessing and a curse, for he knew what lay ahead, yet he was powerless to change it.

In his heart, Apollo felt the pain of a thousand lifetimes. He had watched as his beloved demigod children, born of his fleeting passions, had faced heroic quests and met tragic fates.

Their faces flashed before his mind's eye – Hyacinthus, struck down in his prime; Daphne, transformed into a laurel tree to escape his amorous pursuit; and countless others whose lives had been woven into the grand design of fate.

The god's radiant aura dimmed, and the room grew colder. He was immortal, and he would outlive them all. His heart ached as he saw the inevitable – the passing of his beloved demigods into the annals of history.

Their laughter and bravery, their triumphs and heartaches, all destined to become mere whispers in the winds of time.

Apollo raised a trembling hand to his temple, as if to shield himself from the relentless visions of the future.

He longed for ignorance, for the bliss of not knowing what lay ahead. But he was the god of prophecy, and that knowledge was his eternal curse.

As he stood there, his celestial robes now draped heavily upon him, Apollo wept for the children he had begotten and the pain he could not escape.

In the realm of the divine, even gods could feel the weight of their own existence, and in that moment, the radiant Apollo was a god in agony, burdened by the cruel gift of foresight.


Regulus knew he had changed. Pandora and Barty had noticed as well, but both of them knew better than to push him whenever he was in one of his moods.

After the incident Regulus had developed a penchant for long walks along the beach, where the crashing waves matched the turbulence in his soul.

One brisk evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Regulus strolled along the shoreline, his footsteps leaving imprints in the wet sand.

The sky was painted in hues of orange and purple, and the salt-tinged breeze carried a sense of freedom he couldn't find anywhere else.

Unbeknownst to Regulus, on this particular evening, the gods had decided to wander the mortal realm in disguise, seeking to experience the world of humans.

Among them was the stranger that had saved him weeks ago, cloaked in the guise of a beguiling mortal with raven-black hair and eyes as deep as the ocean.

As Regulus walked, lost in thought, he saw them standing at the water's edge, gazing out at the horizon.

Their presence was striking, and he couldn't help but be drawn to them. Without a word, he joined them, both of them sharing the silence of the sea.

The stranger turned to Regulus, eyes locking with his, and smiled, a smile that seemed to capture the essence of the setting sun.

They began to talk, sharing stories of life, dreams, and the mysteries of the world. Regulus found himself entranced by their beauty and captivated by their words.

Days turned into weeks, and their chance encounters on the beach became a regular part of Regulus's life.

He didn't know that the person he had fallen for was immortal, for they had hidden their divine nature well. They laughed together, watched sunsets, and shared secrets, all the while, a deep connection blossoming between them.

Regulus found himself falling in love, a love that he couldn't explain but couldn't deny. He knew there was something extraordinary about them, something that had filled the void in his heart that James had left.

Their love, born on the shores of the mortal world, continued to flourish, proving that sometimes, the heart recognizes love before the mind comprehends the extraordinary nature of the beloved.

And so, under the ever-watchful gaze of the ocean, the mortal man and the divine being cherished the love that had blossomed on the beach.

They spend their nights together, both burdend with the knowledge that their love couldn't last.

A/N Who do u think is her godly parent?

Pls comment and vote<33

Three updates in a week?

I'm thinking off updating Mondays and Wednesdays from now on, and sometimes a double update if I have enough time:)

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